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Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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U.S.A. Nekisha Killings, MPH, IBCLC

Nekisha Killings is an equity strategist, internationally board-certified lactation consultant, and maternal and child health advocate who speaks, teaches, and facilitates on topics related to equity and dismantling bias across various sectors.

When she is not home educating 4 future world changers, she acts as a Director of Equity, Inclusion and Belonging at Lactation Education Resources and consults organizations on creating and implementing strategies to better support marginalized communities.

Nekisha holds a Masters in Public Health and penned the chapter titled Cultural Humility in the latest Core Curriculum for Interdisciplinary Lactation Support text. Nekisha is on a mission to normalize brown breasts and nipples in health education, thereby better equipping healthcare providers to accurately assess and treat people of color.

Nekisha's work is rooted in a compassion and candor that could only have been cultivated in years of supporting new parents during their first days of parenthood. Nekisha is an active duty military spouse who has been awarded the Spouse of the Year designation for her volunteer efforts supporting families.

U.S.A. Nekisha Killings, MPH, IBCLC

Is a red spot always a key indicator of mastitis? What about the deep purple trademark of vasospasm? How does eczema present on non-white skin? Performing a standard breast assessment may cause clinicians to overlook or misidentify key indicators of maladies in patients that are not fair skinned. Learn how you can improve your assessments and familiarize yourself with other ways to identify common conditions in patients populations that may not have been featured in your textbooks.

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Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1  |  Viewing Time: 4 Weeks
Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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Fedro Peccatori is a medical and gynecologic oncologist whose clinical activities mainly include diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, gynecological malignancies and tumors of young adults. He is Director of the Fertility and Procreation Unit within the Division of Gynecologic Oncology at the European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy. His research projects deal with fertility preservation and counselling in young oncological patients, pregnancy associated cancers, pharmacological protection of ovarian function during chemotherapy, molecular characterization breast and gynecological malignancies. He’s part of the ESMO task force Adolescent and Young Adult and ESMO faculty member for breast cancer. At present, he acts as Scientific Director at the European School of Oncology (ESO), where he’s in charge of organizing and supervising international courses and masterclasses on different oncological issues.
He has been interested in breastfeeding in cancer patients since 2009 and has published a number of papers on this issue.


Breast cancer is the most frequent malignant tumor during reproductive age. Around 1/10000 nursing mothers are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. In this rare and difficult situation, patients and healthcare providers should be knowledgeable about the prognostic and practical implications of such an event. Chemotherapy may pass into the milk and breastfeeding is usually contraindicated during chemotherapy. Weaning should be gradual, to avoid breast inflammation and mastitis. A thorough psychological support should be given to the nursing mother to help her into the oncological trajectory.
On the other hand, the number of young breast cancer survivors is increasing and more and more patients enquire about the possibility of subsequent pregnancies and breastfeeding. The breast treated with conservative surgery and subsequent radiation is less responsive to hormonal stimulation, with reduced glandular hyperplasia and hypertrophy. Milk production is usually decreased in the previously affected breast and surgery may affect duct integrity. Nonetheless, each breast has the capability to self regulate milk production according to the baby’s suckling habits, and many evidences support the notion that one breast is enough. Specific education programs should focus on adequate baby positioning, correct latching and reinforcement of the advantages of on demand breastfeeding. Data from our group demonstrate the feasibility of breastfeeding after breast cancer, but qualified lactation counseling to support patients and caregivers is needed.

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Presentations: 6  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6  |  Viewing Time: 4 Weeks
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1  |  Viewing Time: 2 Weeks
Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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United States Briana Tillman, IBCLC, M. Ed, OMS-III

Briana Tillman received her undergraduate degree in International Relations from the United States Military Academy at West Point. She has been a La Leche League Leader for 9 years and is a board certified lactation consultant. After spending 10 years as a stay-at-home mom, she is currently attending medical school at Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Parker, Colorado. She loves spending time with her husband and three elementary-school-aged children—as a family they like to play board games, go camping, and play bluegrass and chamber music.

United States Briana Tillman, IBCLC, M. Ed, OMS-III

Recently, much scientific inquiry has turned to the new frontier of the “microbiome", the many microscopic beings living commensally or symbiotically in and upon the human body. Breast milk’s contribution to the development and sustenance of healthy gut bacteria is immense, in that it not only provides bacteria for the initial seeding, but also contains an ideal nutrient base designed to promote beneficial flora while simultaneously discouraging pathogens. This presentation will explore the relevant theories and understanding of these processes.
We will delve into the long-term health outcomes associated with the microbiome, including obesity, diabetes, brown-to-white fat ratio, gastrointestinal concerns, and allergies. This presentation will also explore the impact of breast milk storage and pasteurization techniques on its microbiologic activity. Additionally, we will look at other aspects of the microbiome as they relate to skin-to-skin contact, vaginal birth and breastfeeding.
Finally, we will describe bacterial roles in infant neurological development, allergies, digestion, immunity, and future obesity. Healthcare practitioners need to be aware of the benefits of microbial diversity in order to effectively counsel new parents, especially those with infants at risk for immunological or digestive concerns.

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Presentations: 6  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6  |  Viewing Time: 4 Weeks
Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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South Africa Anna Le Grange, BSc, RN, IBCLC

Anna Le Grange is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Registered Pediatric Nurse, Mindfulness teacher and Author. She has worked with new families for over 20 years in a variety of clinical roles. Anna brings her passion for psychology, neuroscience and mindfulness into her lactation support work and facilitates other professionals to incorporate emotional well-being tools into their own lactation practice. Mother to 3 children, Anna breastfed her 3rd child following breast reduction surgery and experienced first-hand, the emotional challenges that so often relate to infant feeding complexities. She used her personal experiences alongside mindfulness and lactation knowledge, to create a toolbox of techniques for breastfeeding families, which she includes in her courses and book, The Mindful Breastfeeding Book. Anna believes whole-heartedly in prioritizing calm and connection within our breastfeeding support practices, both for our clients and ourselves. Anna is currently studying for a MSc in Positive Psychology at Buckingham New University and has spoken at various events including the Gold Lactation, ILactation Conference and Nurturing The Future.

South Africa Anna Le Grange, BSc, RN, IBCLC

With breast surgery becoming more common, it's important for professionals to understand how it can affect lactation and the experience of breastfeeding or chestfeeding parents. Both an IBCLC and Mum who breastfed her daughter after having breast reduction surgery, Anna Le Grange talks through the implication of breast reduction surgery on lactation, covering both the physiological and psychological challenges that parents face. As well as sharing the experiences of those who have had breastfed after surgery, Anna introduces practical steps that supporters and professionals can take to help their clients define and strive for their breastfeeding or chestfeeding goals in a gentle and realistic way.

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Presentations: 6  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6  |  Viewing Time: 4 Weeks
CERP Focused Packages, Lactation
Presentations: 74  |  Hours / CE Credits: 75  |  Viewing Time: 52 Weeks
Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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Ireland Geraldine Cahill, BA Ced, BA ToT, IBCLC

Geraldine has been involved in breastfeeding support and education for 30 years in Ireland. She works in private practice as a Lactation Consultant doing home visits. She has a major interest in Adult Education and she runs Training of Trainer (Lactation) courses for healthcare professionals in Ireland. She tutors for a group called Cuidiú, training both breastfeeding counselors and childbirth educators.She has organized Peer to peer education for other groups in Ireland and abroad. Geraldine has spoken at many conferences both in Ireland and abroad or a range of topics but her choice usually comes back to her interest in Adult education and the theories around learning styles, groupwork, experiential learning and programme development.

Ireland Geraldine Cahill, BA Ced, BA ToT, IBCLC

Birth workers are usually the first contact with parents and are therefore the people who are best placed to influence them in their choice of infant feeding method. Adults only retain information on a ‘need to know’ basis, so meeting the needs of individuals in your interactions is important. Whether you provide a formal breastfeeding class or just have 5 mins to chat during a prenatal visit, what is the best way for you to provide evidence, which information is important. How can you help parents to make an informed decision about feeding. Adult education theory, learning styles, aims and learning outcomes for your interactions, as well as breastfeeding information will be presented and ideas for how you can make your clients learning fun and interactive.

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Presentations: 5  |  Hours / CE Credits: 5  |  Viewing Time: 4 Weeks
Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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United Kingdom Zainab Yate, BSc, MSc, Author

Zainab Yate is a Biomedical Ethicist, with a specialist interest in infant feeding. Zainab is Vice Chair and named qualitative lead on a paediatric flagged Research Ethics Committee Panel for the Health Research Authority (HRA) in the UK, reviewing research protocols for over a decade. Zainab's previous working background is in Public Health and Commissioning the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK. She had also been a volunteer breastfeeding peer supporter with the NHS for a number of years, is the owner-author of the resource site for mothers and healthcare practitioners on Breastfeeding / Nursing Aversion and Agitation and author of "When Breastfeeding Sucks".

United Kingdom Zainab Yate, BSc, MSc, Author

Aversion to breastfeeding or agitation while breastfeeding is known to occur in some women who breastfeed while pregnant, or who tandem feed a newborn and a toddler. However, it is a little researched area, and the paucity of published literature around breastfeeding aversion and agitation reveals a significant gap in the literature. My presentation presents the findings of an exploratory online survey that sheds light on what appears to be a commonly experienced phenomenon of aversion and agitation whilst breastfeeding, which varies in form, severity and duration. BAA is characterised by feelings of anger or rage, a skin crawling sensation and an urge to remove the suckling infant, but can also be feelings of agitation and irritability whilst the infant is latched. Mothers who experience BAA still continue to breastfeed, but have feelings of guilt and shame about BAA and are often confused about having feelings of BAA. Research is needed to understand the reasons for BAA, its causes, triggers and strategies to minimize the experience in breastfeeding mothers.

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Presentations: 28  |  Hours / CE Credits: 26.5  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1  |  Viewing Time: 2 Weeks
Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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Meg is the mother of three breastfed boys and lives with her husband and children in QLD, Australia. She is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in private practice and works with parents to help them reach their breastfeeding goals. She has a degree in psychology and her prior work was is in counselling and sexual health. She was a La Leche League Leader (breastfeeding counsellor) for seven years before becoming an IBCLC. Meg is the author of two books including, "Boobin' All Day...Boobin' All Night. A Gentle Approach To Sleep For Breastfeeding Families". She has published articles in numerous parenting magazines and websites. She was also filmed for a short documentary, "Lactaboobiephobia", based on one of her blog posts which was released in 2016.


Breastfeeding a baby with Down syndrome can bring many challenges to both mother and baby and many women are told they will be unable to breastfeed. This presentation will give examples of women who have faced different challenges breastfeeding their babies with Down Syndrome, yet had successful breastfeeding outcomes with the right support and information. This will include case studies with specific tips and suggestions that will help the lactation professional in offering support to these families. These women have faced many challenges including; prematurity, low muscle tone, breastfeeding into toddlerhood and a toddler who did not start breastfeeding until his mother had another baby when he was 2 ½ years old! This presentation will cover the most common challenges that families face when breastfeeding a baby with this condition and the possible solutions for them.

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Presentations: 15  |  Hours / CE Credits: 15.5  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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United States Paulina Erices, MS, IBCLC, IMH-E (r)

Paulina is the mother of three multicultural Latino children and Project Director for Lifespan Local. Paulina earned her BS in Psychology from the Pennsylvania State University, a MS in Organizational leadership from the University of Denver and is completing her PhD in Health and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Colorado - Denver. Paulina has over 18 years of experience working with families with young children. As a Maternal Child Health specialist for Jefferson County Public Health, she developed a NICU follow-up home visitation program and the pediatric emergency preparedness plan, co-founded and coordinated the Conectando Network (former Adelante Jeffco), established community navigation and lactation support groups focused on the Latino Spanish speaking community, and lead other initiatives to support leadership and partnerships among communities and organizations. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she managed the new program Whole Community Inclusion to ensure the pandemic response and recovery implementation included health equity practices that recognize the needs and the strengths of priority populations in the county. Her areas of current work include promoting perinatal and infant mental health along the continuum of care; building community capacity to navigate health and education systems; facilitating organizational change to embrace linguistic and culturally responsive practices; and establishing community-placed participatory programs to strengthen communities. She likes to be with people, learn from and with others, and connect passions for meaningful work.

United States Paulina Erices, MS, IBCLC, IMH-E (r)

Breast/chest feeding is a biological, emotional, and social process. There is an undeniable link between human milk and behaviors associated with feeding. Breast or chest feeding provide the perfect environment for babies’ development, such as bonding, attachment, mutual regulation, security, etc. But what happens when parents can’t access effective, culturally competent, compassionate lactation services? What happens when over generations lactation support has been lacking?

Every parent deserves the chance to meet their feeding goals and enjoy the short and long term benefits of human milk feeding. Social inequities augment the effects of not experiencing those benefits making it even harder for parents and babies to have their physical, emotional and social needs met. Outcomes of lactation impact the dyad, the family, the community beyond the nutritional needs of the infant.

Advocacy efforts at local, regional and national levels create meaningful opportunities for health equity, so those with no power or resources can reach optimal health. Lactation consultants are in a unique position to advocate and partner with others to support policies and programs that focus on equity as a systems approach to benefit marginalized communities and impact their physical and mental health in the long-term.

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Presentations: 29  |  Hours / CE Credits: 26  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1  |  Viewing Time: 2 Weeks
Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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U.S.A Karese Laguerre, RDH, Myofunctional Therapist

Karese, like many parents, suffered in silence while her children struggled with the symptoms of undiagnosed sleep and breathing issues. One visit to a pediatric dentist changed the trajectory of their lives. Already a Registered Dental Hygienist (RDH), Karese, trained with Sandra Holtzman, Lois Laynee and Sarah Hornsby to establish her orofacial myology knowledge. With this initial training and numerous others, in a few short years she has not only resolved all her children's issues, but helped hundreds of patients, children and adults alike, discover how great life can be functioning on full. Her private practice, The Myo Spot is now a leader in the quest for myofunctional therapy awareness and public education. Her latest published book, Accomplished, delves into how to sleep better, eliminate burnout, and execute goals. Karese's mission is to transform and positively impact as many households as possible through dynamic breath, brain and body work.

U.S.A Karese Laguerre, RDH, Myofunctional Therapist

Anticipatory care plays an essential role in achieving desirable outcomes after the revision of tethered oral tissues. Tethered oral tissues are a common and underdiagnosed problem that impacts potentially 10% of the United States population. Lack of a universally accepted approach to diagnosis, treatment, and management creates confusion for the public and prohibits optimal care. This lecture dissects current research, trends, and information to present a deeper connection between oral function and anatomy during breastfeeding and tethered oral tissue revision management. Discover the interdisciplinary approach to restoring a functional and healthy breastfeeding relationship to the dyad and the critical importance of setting families up for success by providing adequate anticipatory care and guidance prior to revision.

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10+ CERPs Bundles, GOLD Learning Symposium Series, Lactation
Presentations: 10  |  Hours / CE Credits: 10  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Presentations: 5  |  Hours / CE Credits: 5  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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Canada Aiden Farrow, BSc, IBCLC, Cert PPH

Aiden Farrow is an IBCLC, writer, speaker, and infant feeding and health equity advocate. Parent of a child born with a cleft lip and palate, they have advocated extensively over the last 16 years in order to increase awareness of the specific challenges faced by cleft affected infants and their families and to increase adequate lactation support for this community. Based in Victoria BC, Aiden has a private practice entirely focused on babies with oral clefts, providing support internationally via telehealth. Aiden serves on the editorial review board of the Journal of Human Lactation and co-authored the journal’s policy on sex and gender inclusion. Aiden works with Indigenous families as a family support worker and lactation and infant feeding consultant at the Victoria Native Friendship Centre and has a special interest in food security and food sovereignty for infants and toddlers. 

Canada Aiden Farrow, BSc, IBCLC, Cert PPH

When a baby is born with a cleft lip, cleft palate, or cleft lip and palate, how the infant will be fed is an immediate and compelling issue to resolve. Once the baby is feeding competently at the breast or with a bottle, the family may receive little to no feeding support between the early weeks after birth until the recovery period following lip or palate surgery. While full breastfeeding (directly at the breast, without compensations or devices) is theoretically possible once the lip and palate are repaired, some babies have difficulty returning to direct breastfeeding or chestfeeding, and babies who have never been breastfed or chestfed, lack the oral skills to do so. In this presentation, I will discuss what “scaffolding for success” means in the context of breastfeeding and chestfeeding with an oral cleft. I will cover how to counsel parents at each significant stage of the baby’s cleft care timeline, how to support a parent’s unique feeding goals, how to break down a feeding goal into smaller, achievable steps, techniques for supporting at the breast feeding for babies with unrepaired clefts, best practices for achieving a full milk production, mixed feeding, feeding tools, and how to support developmentally appropriate feeding skills before and after cleft repair surgery.

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Presentations: 6  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6  |  Viewing Time: 4 Weeks
This presentation is currently available through a bundled series of lectures.