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The Great Nipple Shield Debate

This lecture was originally offered as part of the GOLD Lactation 2019. Most IBCLCs interact with nipple shields in their work whether a family has brought one in that they are already using or they have suggested using this tool themselves. Are we using them too much or too little? When does it make sense to use this tool? Some lactation consultations say never and some give them out too often. In this session, a brief history of nipple shields will be presented along with the possible reason one might use a nipple shield. The pros and cons of nipple shield use in clinical settings will be debated. Finally, the latest research will be discussed to determine which clinical experiences are grounded in best practice.

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$14.40 USD
Total CE Hours: 1.00   Access Time: 2 Weeks  
Lectures in this bundle (1):
Duration: 60 mins
Barbara Robertson, MA, IBCLC, LLL
The Great Nipple Shield Debate
USA Barbara Robertson, MA, IBCLC, LLL

Barbara D. Robertson, IBCLC, has been involved in education for over 34 years. She received a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education in 1988 and her Master’s in Education in 1995. Barbara left teaching elementary students in 1995 to raise her two children. Barbara is now the Director of The Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor and of the brand new business LactaLearning.

The Breastfeeding Center of Ann Arbor will still continue to serve breast/chestfeeding families and now LactaLearning will be dedicated to all of Barbara’s professional lactation trainings. Barbara has developed two 95 hour professional lactation training, a group training and a completely self study training with Nancy Mohrbacher. Barbara’s idea of creating professional book groups has exploded with her hosting Making More Milk with Lisa Marasco, Supporting Sucking Skills with Cathy Watson Genna, Breastfeeding Answers, 2nd Edition with Nancy Mohrbacher, and new for the fall, Safe Infant Sleep with Dr. James McKenna. Barbara will be hosting a one day online conference in the fall with Lisa Marasco and Cathy Watson Genna using all of her tech savvy skills to make this a one of a kind experience. Barbara is also a speaker for hire on a wide variety of topics including Motivational Interviewing. Barbara volunteered for the United States Lactation Consultation Association as the Director of Professional Development for 4.5 years.

She just retired as Associate Editor for Clinical Lactation, a journal she helped create for USLCA. Barbara has free podcasts, a blog, and Youtube videos which can all be found on her websites and She has written many articles as well. She loves working with parents and babies, helping them with breast/chestfeeding problems in whatever way she can.

Objective 1: Explain the differences between the nipple shields of the past and the nipple shields being used today;

Objective 2: list three possible reasons a family might use a nipple shield to support breastfeeding;

Objective 3: Describe three factors to consider when helping families decide whether to use a nipple shield or not.

USA Barbara Robertson, MA, IBCLC, LLL

Most IBCLCs interact with nipple shields in their work whether a family has brought one in that they are already using or they have suggested using this tool themselves. Are we using them too much or too little? When does it make sense to use this tool? Some lactation consultations say never and some give them out too often. In this session, a brief history of nipple shields will be presented along with the possible reason one might use a nipple shield. The pros and cons of nipple shield use in clinical settings will be debated. Finally, the latest research will be discussed to determine which clinical experiences are grounded in best practice.

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Additional Details  - Viewing Time: 2 Weeks

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(IBCLC) Clinical Skills, Feeding Devices and Tools

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