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GOLD Learning Speakers


Shacchee Khare Baweja, MBBS, DCH, IYCF, IBCLC

  • Speaker Type: GOLD Lactation 2021, GOLD Lactation 2024
  • Country: India

As a Pediatrician and an IBCLC, Shacchee is attracted to ways of promoting health and well-being for families. She transitioned to lactation support 14 years ago after her first daughter was born, realising the felt need for skilled Lactation Support in her community.

She works at a tertiary care hospital in New Delhi, India, and heads a Lactation team, supporting families in their antenatal, intra-natal and postnatal periods. She also trains medical and paramedical staff in skilled lactation support.

She is the current President and Executive Team member of ALPI (Association of Lactation Professionals India). She works as a clinical instructor, helping train future lactation professionals in various aspects of Skills, Ethics, Scope of Practise and Communication. She co-ordinates between Public and Private healthcare bodies to provide equitable lactation support across her community.

She is an advocate of teamwork in supporting dyads with special lactation challenges (oral restrictions/ NICU babies etc) and has been working to bring experts from different fields together for comprehensive lactation support. Working with different teams locally and nationally allowed her to achieve the goal of making, "skilled lactation support a reality in India."

Married to Vipul, they have two super girls Navya (14) and Ayana(11).

CE Library Presentation(s) Available Online:
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Note: Currently only available through a bundled series of lectures
Skilled Lactation Support in Suboptimal and Low Resource Settings: Onsite Mentoring as a Game Changer
We have protocols and optimal models of care for lactation specific challenges. Does this mean we cannot provide optimum support in resource limited settings or less than ideal settings? Skilled lactation support can mean different things in different settings. To serve a community, its crucial to understand the particular needs of the community and to be able to cater to them in a culturally acceptable and feasible way without compromising on the quality of lactation care, more so in resource limited settings. India has a huge population of families in need of lactation support and we also have scarcity of skilled and trained lactation support people. We are such a diverse country that our customs, language, socioeconomic milieu (and thus the challenges) change every few Kilometres. This presentation talks about the various means with which we were able to improve the availability Skilled Lactation Support in the community, especially utilising our most plentiful resource, our community, with online and onsite mentoring....i.e. skilled lactation support to the community by their own community.
Presentations: 29  |  Hours / CE Credits: 29.5  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1.25  |  Viewing Time: 2 Weeks
Lectures by Profession, Product Focus
Presentations: 74  |  Hours / CE Credits: 75  |  Viewing Time: 52 Weeks
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Note: Currently only available through a bundled series of lectures
Fostering Bodily Autonomy in Lactation: Breastfeeding Support Through The Lens of Parental and Infant Rights
This presentation will support the learner to view lactation support through the lens of bodily autonomy. There is so much debate about a parent’s bodily autonomy vis-a-vis baby’s rights where breastfeeding and lactation is concerned. Bodily autonomy is defined as one's right to govern what happens to their body without influence or coercion. Birth and breastfeeding are two very crucial periods in a parent's life. During these time periods parents often struggle with maintaining their bodily autonomy. If lactation support and the breastfeeding experience are empowering for the parent, they can develop self-confidence in taking care of their child’s needs and are more likely to be empowered in other spheres of their lives as well. Conversely, if lactation support is not optimal, it can leave the parent traumatized and create long term mental and physical health consequences. Understanding bodily autonomy and ways to support a family by nurturing their autonomy, in addition to providing skilled lactation support, helps with better care plans, better self-efficacy of parents, and thus better health outcomes for the entire family.