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GOLD Learning Speakers


Patricia Díaz Lorenzo, MD, Pediatrician, IBCLC, Doula

  • Speaker Type: Translating Knowledge Into Practice: Creating Effective Lactation Care Plans Lecture Pack 2021, GOLD Midwifery 2023
  • Country: Venezuela
Biography: Text to HTML Converter

Patricia Díaz L., Woman passionate about accompanying Women and Families through their Conscious and Connected gestational, birthing and parenting journeys. She is a trained Pediatrician, IBCLC and Doula. Graduated as a Surgeon physician and Pediatric Specialist from the Central University of Venezuela, at the main Children’s Hospital of the country; JM de los Ríos. From her formative years, she fell in love with the dynamic process of Breastfeeding and the unique physical, nutritional, immunological, qualities of it, along with the transformative emotional and spiritual bond that formed between the new parents and their baby: "Being a witness to that first magical and intimate human contact, is one of the most wonderful sensations in the world; I have ever experienced”. Dr. Patricia Díaz graduated as Promoter and Consultant of the Lactation Center ""Mi Gota de Leche” ( “ My Drop of Milk” ) at the Hospital J.M. de los Ríos, with the endorsement of UNICEF. She was part of the First Cohort of Diplomats in Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding Practices, of the Faculty of Medicine, at the Central University of Venezuela. Member of the American Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM) and the International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA). Trained as a Doula, at the Auroramadre Center in Venezuela. National and International speaker. With more than a decade of experience, Patricia, strongly advocates for Human Lactation Education, at her private practice in Venezuela, where she currently is the Chief of Pediatrics at La Trinidad Medical Teaching Center. At this center, she has co-designed the Respectful Birthing Protocol (to honor the Sacred Hour, Skin to Skin and Rooming in; most recently updated alongside Neonatology Department, to adjust it for COVID19 context). Also through her social media platform @PediatríaAutana (Tree of Life), she educates, advocates for Breastfeeding families and designs educational tools for Parents and Caregivers, Families and Teachers, in the most innovative formats, adjusted to their needs, concerning topics associated with Prenatal Prolactation Prep, Human Lactation, Parenting, Growth and Neurodevelopment, Pediatrics.

CE Library Presentation(s) Available Online:
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Note: Currently only available through a bundled series of lectures
Breastfeeding Beyond All Obstacles: Breastfeeding Families and Complicated Mastitis
Breastfeeding is a human act, typical of our species and as biopsychosocial beings, it is surrounded by obstacles inherent to the experience and determined by our environment. Breastfeeding in western societies is challenging under normal circumstances; when everything goes as expected. However, in cases where complications such as abscessed mastitis arise, which seem to be the maximum expression of everything that can go wrong in a breastfeeding history: pain, frustration, surgical interventions, use of antibiotics, slow weight gain, etc ; It is where the medical indication to do without breastfeeding frequently arises, as if it were just a practice that could be easily replaced by another feeding method. In this presentation you will learn the expanded perspective, the challenges and fears of a family that breastfed, through complicated mastitis and managed to restore their Lactation history, through the informed accompaniment of a pro-lactation team of obstetrician and IBCLC pediatrician.
Presentations: 6  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6  |  Viewing Time: 4 Weeks
Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |  Categories: (IBCLC) Maternal, Mastitis & Breast Infections
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Note: Currently only available through a bundled series of lectures
Slow Weight Gain in the Early Days of Breastfeeding
The early days of a breastfeeding journey, especially if it is the first one and there is not enough breastfeeding culture or support of the new family, bring challenges and risk factors for an unwanted early termination. Among all the causes for an early abandonment of exclusive breastfeeding, there is the ghost of insufficient milk supply, associated in popular belief (and unfortunately) sometimes also in professional health provider’s belief, with little or no evidence-based information on human lactation. In order to make an appropriate and timely approach to a slow weight gain baby, we must take into consideration anatomical, functional and behavioral/emotional factors. Learn more about how to establish an appropriate nutritional diagnosis, based on the use of globally standardized anthropometric index, for exclusively breastfed children, factors that may contribute to a misperception of slow weight gain in a breastfed child, the difference between failure to thrive and slow weight gain and how to establish safe nutritional recovery strategies, focused on the dyad and aimed at preserving breastfeeding.
Lectures by Profession, Product Focus
Presentations: 15  |  Hours / CE Credits: 15.5  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1  |  Viewing Time: 2 Weeks
Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |  Categories: (IBCLC) Development and Nutrition, (IBCLC) Infant, Slow Weight Gain