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GOLD Learning Speakers


GynZone ®

  • Speaker Type: Suturing Skills & Perineal Repair Lecture Pack 2018, *PARTNERSHIPS
  • Country: Denmark

Every woman deserves a capable, functioning body that sparks joy in her life, also in between and after childbirth.

GynZone delivers enhanced training of healthcare professionals, to improve women’s health in childbirth worldwide.

Our training is developed through user-driven innovation with subject matter experts

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CE Library Presentation(s) Available Online:
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Module 1: Surgical Skills
This module provides a thorough introduction to suturing and correct knot-tying techniques. You will learn the basic principles of safe and correct surgical procedure. Follow the step-by-step demonstrations and practice your skills in a safe setting, in order to develop correct routines, clinical confidence and steady hands before handling patients.
Hours / CE Credits: (details)  |  Categories: Suturing Skills
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Module 2: Diagnostics
This module provides a thorough introduction to the diagnosis of birth lacerations. You will learn about pelvic floor anatomy and the principles of classification according to professional guidelines. Emphasis is on optimal conditions for correct diagnosis, and performing a thorough, systematic examination. The medical procedure for diagnosis is demonstrated with animations, medical illustrations and clinical video with patients.
Hours / CE Credits: (details)  |  Categories: Suturing Skills
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Module 3: Anaesthetics
This module provides an introduction to different methods of pain relief during surgical repair of birth lacerations. You will learn how to apply the various forms of pain relief before suturing. The medical procedures are demonstrated with animations, medical illustrations and clinical video with patients.
Hours / CE Credits: (details)  |  Categories: Suturing Skills
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Module 4: Labia Repair
This module will teach you how to diagnose, anesthetize and suture a labial laceration. You will learn about the different suturing techniques, so you can train and apply the best-suited method in a given case in your clinical practice. Best practice is demonstrated with animations, medical illustrations and clinical video with patients.
Hours / CE Credits: (details)  |  Categories: Suturing Skills
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Module 5: 1st & 2nd Degree Tear
This module will teach you how to diagnose and anesthetize 1st degree perineal laceration. You will also learn about effective and safe suturing techniques. The medical procedures are demonstrated with animations, medical models and clinical video with a patient. This module will also teach you how to diagnose, anesthetize and suture a 2nd degree perineal laceration. You will learn about different suturing techniques, so you can train in a safe setting and apply the best-suited method in a given case in your clinical practice. The medical procedures are demonstrated with animations, medical models and clinical video with patients.
Hours / CE Credits: (details)  |  Categories: Suturing Skills
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Waterbirth: An Introduction for Birth Professionals
Waterbirth: An introduction to the use of water for pain relief during labour and birth.
Hours / CE Credits: 1.5 (details)  |  Categories: Waterbirth
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Vaginal Birth - Introduction to SUCCESS Principles for Hands-on Perineal Protection
In this course, you will learn the principles of SUCCESS: Perineal protection during vaginal birth. The material is developed in collaboration with clinicians from Oslo University Hospital Ullevål in Norway, where they have one of the lowest incidences of obstetric anal sphincter injury in Northern Europe.
Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |  Categories: Labour & Positioning, Physiological Birth