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GOLD Learning Speakers


Robin Grille, BA (psych), Grad Dip Counseling, Dip Int Psych.

  • Speaker Type: GOLD Perinatal 2016, Early Years Symposium 2021
  • Country: Australia

Robin Grille is a psychologist in private practice and a parenting educator. He is the author of three internationally acclaimed books: ‘Parenting for a Peaceful World’, ‘Heart to Heart Parenting’ and ‘Inner Child Journeys’. Robin has delivered his seminars and workshops throughout Australasia, North America, UK and Asia. His experiential, skills-based and informational parenting courses have helped many people to embrace parenting as a transformative, personal growth journey.

Drawing from 30 years’ clinical experience and from leading-edge neuropsychological research, Robin’s seminars and courses focus on healthy emotional development for children as well as parents; while building supportive, co-operative parenting communities. Robin’s work is animated by his belief that humanity’s future is largely dependent on the way we collectively relate to our children.

To find out more about Robin Grille’s work, his books, articles and seminars visit:

CE Library Presentation(s) Available Online:
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How childhood experiences affect mothering behavior – and how practitioners can help
A principal source of strength as well as vulnerability in mothers comes from how they themselves were mothered. Increasingly, researchers are confirming what psychotherapists have observed for many decades: that both trauma and the capacity for responsive and pleasurable mothering tend to be inter-generationally transmitted. All too often the struggles of mothering, including childbirth complications, premature weaning and difficulties with bonding are in fact late expressions of unresolved abuse or neglect, or some kind of emotional wounding in the mother. Information and encouragement miss the point when what is needed is therapy. This presentation helps practitioners to open a deeper dialogue with mothers, to identify possible abuse or neglect histories, adverse childhood experiences, and to use empathic dialogue to re-enable responsive and fulfilling mothering. It can be surprising how emotionally authentic dialogue in a safe environment is sometimes all it takes to restore maternal confidence, responsiveness and enjoyment.
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Note: Currently only available through a bundled series of lectures
Inner Child Co-Regulation – How Empathic Dialogue Can Clear Implicit-Memory Blocks to Bonding
An increasing number of research studies and psychotherapists’ accounts address the phenomenon in which parents’ attachment histories play a major role in their emotional capacity for pleasurable bonding with their own baby. Birth trauma, childhood trauma, insecure or disorganized early attachment can all carry forward as unconscious, implicit memory (emotional memory) that, in stressful circumstances, can arise and interfere with parent-infant bonding. However, when a parent is able to communicate aspects of their historical pain, shock or distress, within a context of empathic and validating dialogue, this can often clear the way for pleasurable and spontaneous bonding. Health practitioners are in a unique position to invite and hold an empathic dialogical space, in which parents can feel emotionally safe enough to tell a little of their own story. This can make a significant difference to parents’ emotional capacity for sustained attachment with their infant.
Lectures by Profession, Product Focus
Presentations: 6  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |  Categories: (IBCLC) Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology