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Midwifery, Translated Lectures

Oli Essenziali per il Benessere Materno

Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness Lecture Package è un corso di formazione online completo sviluppato per i professionisti della nascita che desiderano imparare ad applicare in modo sicuro ed efficace gli oli essenziali durante ogni fase della maternità e durante la cura del neonato. I partecipanti impareranno le applicazioni, le concentrazioni e le precauzioni di sicurezza, esplorando come utilizzare al meglio gli oli essenziali per affrontare i sintomi comuni durante il parto, tra cui: Nausea mattutina, indigestione, stanchezza, smagliature, dolore da travaglio, dentizione e coliche. Sono inclusi anche gli usi clinici degli oli essenziali, che possono essere utilizzati da coloro che rientrano nel loro campo di applicazione. Tra questi: streptococco di gruppo B, mastite, itterizia, ecc.

Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness CEU©, precedentemente Essential Oils for the Birth Kit CEU, è la versione aggiornata e migliorata di un corso di formazione online completo sviluppato per le professioniste della nascita che desiderano imparare ad applicare in modo sicuro ed efficace gli oli essenziali durante ogni fase della maternità e nella cura del neonato.

Take a sneak peak at the content here:

$85.00 USD
Total CE Hours: 6.00   Access Time: 4 Weeks  
Lectures in this bundle (8):
Duration: 30 mins

Stephanie McBride is a renowned expert in the field of essential oil therapy for pregnancy, a best-selling author, clinical herbalist, functional nutritionist, and an international public speaker. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, Stephanie has become a trusted authority on maternal wellness. Her groundbreaking book, "Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness," has been published in nine languages, making her insights accessible to a global audience. Stephanie's accredited Aromabirth certification program is also multilingual and internatially recognized. Aromabirth was founded with a mission to educate and encourage the safe and effective clinical use of essential oils during pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and infant care.

Through her extensive research and practical expertise, Stephanie has helped countless expectant mothers enhance their well-being and navigate the challenges of pregnancy. Her passion for empowering women to make informed choices and embrace holistic approaches to health has made her a highly sought-after speaker at conferences and events worldwide. Stephanie McBride's contributions to the field of essential oil therapy and her commitment to improving maternal wellness have truly made a lasting impact.

Topic: Modulo 1: I Fondamentali - [View Abstract]
Topic: Aromatherapy in Midwifery Practice: Clinical Pearls - [View Abstract]
Topic: Birth Kit Essentials for Lactation - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 1: Grundlagen - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 2: Anwendungen und Dosierung - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 3: Sicherheit bei Mutterschaft - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 4: Anwendung in der Schwangerschaft - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 5: Anwendung während der Wehen - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 6: Anwendung im Wochenbett - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 7: Anwendung in der Säuglingspflege - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 9: Die Aromatherapie in der Praxis - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 1: Fundamentals - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 2: Applications and Dosing - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 3: Safety in Maternity - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 4: Use in Pregnancy - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 5: Use in Labor - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 6: Use in Postpartum - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 7: Use in Infant Care - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 9: Putting Aromatherapy into Practice - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 1: Fundamentos - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 1: Fundamentos - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 2: Aplicaciones y dosificación - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 2: Aplicações e Dosagens - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 2: Applicazioni e Dosaggi - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 3: Segurança na Maternidade - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 3: Seguridad en la maternidad - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 3: Sicurezza in Maternità - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 4: Usi in Gravidanza - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 4: Uso en el embarazo - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 4: Utilização na Gravidez - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 5: Usi durante il travaglio - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 5: Uso en el parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 5: Utilização no Parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 6: Usi nel Postpartum - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 6: Uso en el posparto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 6: Utilização no Pós-parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 7: Uso en el cuidado del bebé - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 7: Uso per le Cure Infantili - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 7: Utilização nos Cuidados com o Bebé - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 8: Materia Aromática - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 8: Matéria Aromática - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]

1. Spiegare la vasta storia dell'uso degli oli essenziali e le diverse scuole di aromaterapia.

2. Descrivere gli attributi degli oli essenziali e i loro effetti clinici sulla fisiologia.

3. Elencare i criteri per determinare la qualità degli oli essenziali e i tipi di test per la purezza e l'efficacia.

4. Descrivere i diversi metodi di estrazione.


Questo corso online inizia con una approfondita introduzione alle terapie con gli oli essenziali che included una panoramica degli usi storici, scuole di pensiero dalle scuole moderne di aromaterapia, attributi degli oli essenziali ed i loro effetti clinici fisiologici, e i criteri necessari per determinare la qualità degli oli.

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Duration: 30 mins
Modulo 2: Applicazioni e Dosaggi

Stephanie McBride is a renowned expert in the field of essential oil therapy for pregnancy, a best-selling author, clinical herbalist, functional nutritionist, and an international public speaker. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, Stephanie has become a trusted authority on maternal wellness. Her groundbreaking book, "Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness," has been published in nine languages, making her insights accessible to a global audience. Stephanie's accredited Aromabirth certification program is also multilingual and internatially recognized. Aromabirth was founded with a mission to educate and encourage the safe and effective clinical use of essential oils during pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and infant care.

Through her extensive research and practical expertise, Stephanie has helped countless expectant mothers enhance their well-being and navigate the challenges of pregnancy. Her passion for empowering women to make informed choices and embrace holistic approaches to health has made her a highly sought-after speaker at conferences and events worldwide. Stephanie McBride's contributions to the field of essential oil therapy and her commitment to improving maternal wellness have truly made a lasting impact.

Topic: Modulo 1: I Fondamentali - [View Abstract]
Topic: Aromatherapy in Midwifery Practice: Clinical Pearls - [View Abstract]
Topic: Birth Kit Essentials for Lactation - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 1: Grundlagen - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 2: Anwendungen und Dosierung - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 3: Sicherheit bei Mutterschaft - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 4: Anwendung in der Schwangerschaft - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 5: Anwendung während der Wehen - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 6: Anwendung im Wochenbett - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 7: Anwendung in der Säuglingspflege - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 9: Die Aromatherapie in der Praxis - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 1: Fundamentals - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 2: Applications and Dosing - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 3: Safety in Maternity - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 4: Use in Pregnancy - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 5: Use in Labor - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 6: Use in Postpartum - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 7: Use in Infant Care - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 9: Putting Aromatherapy into Practice - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 1: Fundamentos - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 1: Fundamentos - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 2: Aplicaciones y dosificación - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 2: Aplicações e Dosagens - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 2: Applicazioni e Dosaggi - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 3: Segurança na Maternidade - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 3: Seguridad en la maternidad - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 3: Sicurezza in Maternità - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 4: Usi in Gravidanza - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 4: Uso en el embarazo - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 4: Utilização na Gravidez - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 5: Usi durante il travaglio - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 5: Uso en el parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 5: Utilização no Parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 6: Usi nel Postpartum - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 6: Uso en el posparto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 6: Utilização no Pós-parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 7: Uso en el cuidado del bebé - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 7: Uso per le Cure Infantili - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 7: Utilização nos Cuidados com o Bebé - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 8: Materia Aromática - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 8: Matéria Aromática - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]

1. Descrivere gli usi e i benefici delle tre principali applicazioni degli oli essenziali: aromatica, topiche e interne.

2. Spiegare il dosaggio e le concentrazioni di oli essenziali raccomandati in ogni fase della maternità e nella cura del neonato e del bambino. maternità e nella cura del neonato e del bambino.

3. Descrivere le migliori modalità di applicazione durante le fasi della maternità.

4. Discutere come utilizzare i supporti in modo sicuro ed efficace.


Modulo due prevede una spiegazione clinica ed esempi per l'utilizzo dei tre metodi principali per l'applicazione degli oli: aromatico, topico e interno. Gli argomenti discussi includono: dosaggio, modi di applicazione e il modo sicuro ed efficace degli oli vettore.

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Duration: 30 mins
Modulo 3: Sicurezza in Maternità

Stephanie McBride is a renowned expert in the field of essential oil therapy for pregnancy, a best-selling author, clinical herbalist, functional nutritionist, and an international public speaker. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, Stephanie has become a trusted authority on maternal wellness. Her groundbreaking book, "Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness," has been published in nine languages, making her insights accessible to a global audience. Stephanie's accredited Aromabirth certification program is also multilingual and internatially recognized. Aromabirth was founded with a mission to educate and encourage the safe and effective clinical use of essential oils during pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and infant care.

Through her extensive research and practical expertise, Stephanie has helped countless expectant mothers enhance their well-being and navigate the challenges of pregnancy. Her passion for empowering women to make informed choices and embrace holistic approaches to health has made her a highly sought-after speaker at conferences and events worldwide. Stephanie McBride's contributions to the field of essential oil therapy and her commitment to improving maternal wellness have truly made a lasting impact.

Topic: Modulo 1: I Fondamentali - [View Abstract]
Topic: Aromatherapy in Midwifery Practice: Clinical Pearls - [View Abstract]
Topic: Birth Kit Essentials for Lactation - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 1: Grundlagen - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 2: Anwendungen und Dosierung - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 3: Sicherheit bei Mutterschaft - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 4: Anwendung in der Schwangerschaft - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 5: Anwendung während der Wehen - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 6: Anwendung im Wochenbett - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 7: Anwendung in der Säuglingspflege - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 9: Die Aromatherapie in der Praxis - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 1: Fundamentals - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 2: Applications and Dosing - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 3: Safety in Maternity - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 4: Use in Pregnancy - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 5: Use in Labor - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 6: Use in Postpartum - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 7: Use in Infant Care - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 9: Putting Aromatherapy into Practice - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 1: Fundamentos - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 1: Fundamentos - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 2: Aplicaciones y dosificación - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 2: Aplicações e Dosagens - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 2: Applicazioni e Dosaggi - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 3: Segurança na Maternidade - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 3: Seguridad en la maternidad - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 3: Sicurezza in Maternità - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 4: Usi in Gravidanza - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 4: Uso en el embarazo - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 4: Utilização na Gravidez - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 5: Usi durante il travaglio - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 5: Uso en el parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 5: Utilização no Parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 6: Usi nel Postpartum - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 6: Uso en el posparto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 6: Utilização no Pós-parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 7: Uso en el cuidado del bebé - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 7: Uso per le Cure Infantili - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 7: Utilização nos Cuidados com o Bebé - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 8: Materia Aromática - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 8: Matéria Aromática - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]

1. Descrivere le linee guida generali per la sicurezza degli oli essenziali.

2. Discutere cosa significa lavorare nell'ambito della pratica e dell'etica professionale.

3. Discutere le precauzioni di sicurezza importanti per ogni fase della gravidanza, compresi gli oli da evitare in determinate fasi della dovrebbero essere evitati durante determinate fasi della gravidanza e quali azioni erboristiche dovrebbero essere usare con precauzione.


Il terzo modulo prevede linee guida per la sicura applicazione degli oli essenziali in ogni fase della gravidanza. Le aree di focus includono: sicurezza generale, potenziale tossicità, azioni terapeutiche, interazioni farmaci-omeopatia, e controindicazioni per l'utilizzo durante la gravidanza, parto e post parto.

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Duration: 30 mins
Modulo 4: Usi in Gravidanza

Stephanie McBride is a renowned expert in the field of essential oil therapy for pregnancy, a best-selling author, clinical herbalist, functional nutritionist, and an international public speaker. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, Stephanie has become a trusted authority on maternal wellness. Her groundbreaking book, "Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness," has been published in nine languages, making her insights accessible to a global audience. Stephanie's accredited Aromabirth certification program is also multilingual and internatially recognized. Aromabirth was founded with a mission to educate and encourage the safe and effective clinical use of essential oils during pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and infant care.

Through her extensive research and practical expertise, Stephanie has helped countless expectant mothers enhance their well-being and navigate the challenges of pregnancy. Her passion for empowering women to make informed choices and embrace holistic approaches to health has made her a highly sought-after speaker at conferences and events worldwide. Stephanie McBride's contributions to the field of essential oil therapy and her commitment to improving maternal wellness have truly made a lasting impact.

Topic: Modulo 1: I Fondamentali - [View Abstract]
Topic: Aromatherapy in Midwifery Practice: Clinical Pearls - [View Abstract]
Topic: Birth Kit Essentials for Lactation - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 1: Grundlagen - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 2: Anwendungen und Dosierung - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 3: Sicherheit bei Mutterschaft - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 4: Anwendung in der Schwangerschaft - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 5: Anwendung während der Wehen - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 6: Anwendung im Wochenbett - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 7: Anwendung in der Säuglingspflege - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 9: Die Aromatherapie in der Praxis - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 1: Fundamentals - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 2: Applications and Dosing - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 3: Safety in Maternity - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 4: Use in Pregnancy - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 5: Use in Labor - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 6: Use in Postpartum - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 7: Use in Infant Care - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 9: Putting Aromatherapy into Practice - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 1: Fundamentos - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 1: Fundamentos - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 2: Aplicaciones y dosificación - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 2: Aplicações e Dosagens - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 2: Applicazioni e Dosaggi - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 3: Segurança na Maternidade - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 3: Seguridad en la maternidad - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 3: Sicurezza in Maternità - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 4: Usi in Gravidanza - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 4: Uso en el embarazo - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 4: Utilização na Gravidez - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 5: Usi durante il travaglio - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 5: Uso en el parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 5: Utilização no Parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 6: Usi nel Postpartum - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 6: Uso en el posparto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 6: Utilização no Pós-parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 7: Uso en el cuidado del bebé - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 7: Uso per le Cure Infantili - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 7: Utilização nos Cuidados com o Bebé - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 8: Materia Aromática - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 8: Matéria Aromática - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]

1. Discutere gli oli essenziali consigliati per i disagi e i disturbi che insorgono comunemente durante la gravidanza.

2. Discutere le dosi, le concentrazioni e le applicazioni raccomandate per l'uso in gravidanza.

3. Descrivere le ricerche condotte sugli oli essenziali e il loro utilizzo in questa fase della gravidanza.

4. Elencare cinque oli essenziali utili in gravidanza.


Questo modulo tratta gli usi più comuni degli oli essenziali in gravidanza, incluso: nausea, vomito, indigestione, stress, stanchezza, insomnia, dolori muscolari, irregolarità vascolari, gonfiore e preparazione al parto.

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Duration: 30 mins
Modulo 5: Usi durante il travaglio

Stephanie McBride is a renowned expert in the field of essential oil therapy for pregnancy, a best-selling author, clinical herbalist, functional nutritionist, and an international public speaker. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, Stephanie has become a trusted authority on maternal wellness. Her groundbreaking book, "Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness," has been published in nine languages, making her insights accessible to a global audience. Stephanie's accredited Aromabirth certification program is also multilingual and internatially recognized. Aromabirth was founded with a mission to educate and encourage the safe and effective clinical use of essential oils during pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and infant care.

Through her extensive research and practical expertise, Stephanie has helped countless expectant mothers enhance their well-being and navigate the challenges of pregnancy. Her passion for empowering women to make informed choices and embrace holistic approaches to health has made her a highly sought-after speaker at conferences and events worldwide. Stephanie McBride's contributions to the field of essential oil therapy and her commitment to improving maternal wellness have truly made a lasting impact.

Topic: Modulo 1: I Fondamentali - [View Abstract]
Topic: Aromatherapy in Midwifery Practice: Clinical Pearls - [View Abstract]
Topic: Birth Kit Essentials for Lactation - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 1: Grundlagen - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 2: Anwendungen und Dosierung - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 3: Sicherheit bei Mutterschaft - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 4: Anwendung in der Schwangerschaft - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 5: Anwendung während der Wehen - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 6: Anwendung im Wochenbett - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 7: Anwendung in der Säuglingspflege - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 9: Die Aromatherapie in der Praxis - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 1: Fundamentals - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 2: Applications and Dosing - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 3: Safety in Maternity - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 4: Use in Pregnancy - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 5: Use in Labor - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 6: Use in Postpartum - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 7: Use in Infant Care - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 9: Putting Aromatherapy into Practice - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 1: Fundamentos - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 1: Fundamentos - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 2: Aplicaciones y dosificación - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 2: Aplicações e Dosagens - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 2: Applicazioni e Dosaggi - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 3: Segurança na Maternidade - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 3: Seguridad en la maternidad - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 3: Sicurezza in Maternità - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 4: Usi in Gravidanza - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 4: Uso en el embarazo - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 4: Utilização na Gravidez - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 5: Usi durante il travaglio - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 5: Uso en el parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 5: Utilização no Parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 6: Usi nel Postpartum - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 6: Uso en el posparto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 6: Utilização no Pós-parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 7: Uso en el cuidado del bebé - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 7: Uso per le Cure Infantili - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 7: Utilização nos Cuidados com o Bebé - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 8: Materia Aromática - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 8: Matéria Aromática - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]

1. Discutere gli oli essenziali consigliati per i problemi che si presentano durante il travaglio: dolore da travaglio, ansia, progressione lenta, lacerazioni, ecc.

2. Discutere le dosi, le concentrazioni e le applicazioni consigliate per l'uso durante il travaglio e il parto.

3. Descrivere le ricerche condotte sugli oli essenziali e il loro utilizzo durante il parto.

4. Elencare cinque oli essenziali utili durante il travaglio e il parto.


Modulo cinque ci indica gli utilizzi chiave degli oli essenziali durante il travaglio, incluso: la preparazione dello spazio parto, calma ansie ed aiuto con il malessere, stanchezza, scoraggiamento e parto sano.

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Duration: 30 mins
Modulo 6: Usi nel Postpartum

Stephanie McBride is a renowned expert in the field of essential oil therapy for pregnancy, a best-selling author, clinical herbalist, functional nutritionist, and an international public speaker. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, Stephanie has become a trusted authority on maternal wellness. Her groundbreaking book, "Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness," has been published in nine languages, making her insights accessible to a global audience. Stephanie's accredited Aromabirth certification program is also multilingual and internatially recognized. Aromabirth was founded with a mission to educate and encourage the safe and effective clinical use of essential oils during pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and infant care.

Through her extensive research and practical expertise, Stephanie has helped countless expectant mothers enhance their well-being and navigate the challenges of pregnancy. Her passion for empowering women to make informed choices and embrace holistic approaches to health has made her a highly sought-after speaker at conferences and events worldwide. Stephanie McBride's contributions to the field of essential oil therapy and her commitment to improving maternal wellness have truly made a lasting impact.

Topic: Modulo 1: I Fondamentali - [View Abstract]
Topic: Aromatherapy in Midwifery Practice: Clinical Pearls - [View Abstract]
Topic: Birth Kit Essentials for Lactation - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 1: Grundlagen - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 2: Anwendungen und Dosierung - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 3: Sicherheit bei Mutterschaft - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 4: Anwendung in der Schwangerschaft - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 5: Anwendung während der Wehen - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 6: Anwendung im Wochenbett - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 7: Anwendung in der Säuglingspflege - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 9: Die Aromatherapie in der Praxis - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 1: Fundamentals - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 2: Applications and Dosing - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 3: Safety in Maternity - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 4: Use in Pregnancy - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 5: Use in Labor - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 6: Use in Postpartum - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 7: Use in Infant Care - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 9: Putting Aromatherapy into Practice - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 1: Fundamentos - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 1: Fundamentos - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 2: Aplicaciones y dosificación - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 2: Aplicações e Dosagens - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 2: Applicazioni e Dosaggi - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 3: Segurança na Maternidade - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 3: Seguridad en la maternidad - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 3: Sicurezza in Maternità - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 4: Usi in Gravidanza - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 4: Uso en el embarazo - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 4: Utilização na Gravidez - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 5: Usi durante il travaglio - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 5: Uso en el parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 5: Utilização no Parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 6: Usi nel Postpartum - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 6: Uso en el posparto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 6: Utilização no Pós-parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 7: Uso en el cuidado del bebé - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 7: Uso per le Cure Infantili - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 7: Utilização nos Cuidados com o Bebé - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 8: Materia Aromática - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 8: Matéria Aromática - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]

1. Discutere gli oli essenziali raccomandati per i problemi che si presentano durante il post-partum: dolori postumi, danni ai tessuti, squilibri ormonali, problemi con l'allattamento, ecc, danni ai tessuti, squilibri ormonali, problemi di allattamento, ecc.

2. Discutere le dosi, le concentrazioni e le applicazioni raccomandate per l'uso durante il post-partum e l'allattamento.

3. Descrivere le ricerche condotte sugli oli essenziali e il loro utilizzo nel post-partum.

4. Elencare cinque oli essenziali utili durante il postpartum e l'allattamento.


Il sesto modulo tratta le indicazioni più comuni per il postpartum, incluso: dolori postpartum, perdite di sangue esagerate, cura delle pelle indolenzita e sensibile, cura del perineo, equilibro ormonale, depressione, cura del seno e produzione latte.

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Duration: 30 mins
Modulo 7: Uso per le Cure Infantili

Stephanie McBride is a renowned expert in the field of essential oil therapy for pregnancy, a best-selling author, clinical herbalist, functional nutritionist, and an international public speaker. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, Stephanie has become a trusted authority on maternal wellness. Her groundbreaking book, "Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness," has been published in nine languages, making her insights accessible to a global audience. Stephanie's accredited Aromabirth certification program is also multilingual and internatially recognized. Aromabirth was founded with a mission to educate and encourage the safe and effective clinical use of essential oils during pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and infant care.

Through her extensive research and practical expertise, Stephanie has helped countless expectant mothers enhance their well-being and navigate the challenges of pregnancy. Her passion for empowering women to make informed choices and embrace holistic approaches to health has made her a highly sought-after speaker at conferences and events worldwide. Stephanie McBride's contributions to the field of essential oil therapy and her commitment to improving maternal wellness have truly made a lasting impact.

Topic: Modulo 1: I Fondamentali - [View Abstract]
Topic: Aromatherapy in Midwifery Practice: Clinical Pearls - [View Abstract]
Topic: Birth Kit Essentials for Lactation - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 1: Grundlagen - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 2: Anwendungen und Dosierung - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 3: Sicherheit bei Mutterschaft - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 4: Anwendung in der Schwangerschaft - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 5: Anwendung während der Wehen - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 6: Anwendung im Wochenbett - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 7: Anwendung in der Säuglingspflege - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 9: Die Aromatherapie in der Praxis - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 1: Fundamentals - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 2: Applications and Dosing - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 3: Safety in Maternity - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 4: Use in Pregnancy - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 5: Use in Labor - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 6: Use in Postpartum - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 7: Use in Infant Care - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 9: Putting Aromatherapy into Practice - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 1: Fundamentos - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 1: Fundamentos - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 2: Aplicaciones y dosificación - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 2: Aplicações e Dosagens - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 2: Applicazioni e Dosaggi - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 3: Segurança na Maternidade - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 3: Seguridad en la maternidad - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 3: Sicurezza in Maternità - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 4: Usi in Gravidanza - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 4: Uso en el embarazo - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 4: Utilização na Gravidez - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 5: Usi durante il travaglio - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 5: Uso en el parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 5: Utilização no Parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 6: Usi nel Postpartum - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 6: Uso en el posparto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 6: Utilização no Pós-parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 7: Uso en el cuidado del bebé - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 7: Uso per le Cure Infantili - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 7: Utilização nos Cuidados com o Bebé - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 8: Materia Aromática - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 8: Matéria Aromática - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]

1. Descrivere le linee guida generali per la sicurezza degli oli essenziali da usare con i bambini e i neonati.

2. Discutere gli oli essenziali consigliati per i problemi che si presentano durante l'infanzia: cura del cordone ombelicale, coliche, itterizia, problemi digestivi, dentizione, ecc.

ittero, problemi digestivi, dentizione, ecc.

3. Discutere le dosi, le concentrazioni e le applicazioni raccomandate per l'uso con i neonati e i bambini.

4. Descrivere le ricerche condotte sugli oli essenziali e i loro usi per i neonati e i bambini.

5. Elencare cinque oli essenziali utili per la cura dei neonati.


Modulo sette tratta le linee guida per supportare la salute del neonato con oli essenziali. I partecipanti impareranno gli utilizzi, le applicazioni, e concentrazioni necessarie per aiutare con delicatezza: il sistema digestivo, dentizione, calma, sonno, e cura della pelle.

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Duration: 60 mins
Modulo 8: Materia Aromatica

Stephanie McBride is a renowned expert in the field of essential oil therapy for pregnancy, a best-selling author, clinical herbalist, functional nutritionist, and an international public speaker. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, Stephanie has become a trusted authority on maternal wellness. Her groundbreaking book, "Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness," has been published in nine languages, making her insights accessible to a global audience. Stephanie's accredited Aromabirth certification program is also multilingual and internatially recognized. Aromabirth was founded with a mission to educate and encourage the safe and effective clinical use of essential oils during pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and infant care.

Through her extensive research and practical expertise, Stephanie has helped countless expectant mothers enhance their well-being and navigate the challenges of pregnancy. Her passion for empowering women to make informed choices and embrace holistic approaches to health has made her a highly sought-after speaker at conferences and events worldwide. Stephanie McBride's contributions to the field of essential oil therapy and her commitment to improving maternal wellness have truly made a lasting impact.

Topic: Modulo 1: I Fondamentali - [View Abstract]
Topic: Aromatherapy in Midwifery Practice: Clinical Pearls - [View Abstract]
Topic: Birth Kit Essentials for Lactation - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 1: Grundlagen - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 2: Anwendungen und Dosierung - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 3: Sicherheit bei Mutterschaft - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 4: Anwendung in der Schwangerschaft - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 5: Anwendung während der Wehen - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 6: Anwendung im Wochenbett - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 7: Anwendung in der Säuglingspflege - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modul 9: Die Aromatherapie in der Praxis - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 1: Fundamentals - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 2: Applications and Dosing - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 3: Safety in Maternity - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 4: Use in Pregnancy - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 5: Use in Labor - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 6: Use in Postpartum - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 7: Use in Infant Care - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]
Topic: Module 9: Putting Aromatherapy into Practice - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 1: Fundamentos - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 1: Fundamentos - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 2: Aplicaciones y dosificación - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 2: Aplicações e Dosagens - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 2: Applicazioni e Dosaggi - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 3: Segurança na Maternidade - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 3: Seguridad en la maternidad - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 3: Sicurezza in Maternità - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 4: Usi in Gravidanza - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 4: Uso en el embarazo - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 4: Utilização na Gravidez - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 5: Usi durante il travaglio - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 5: Uso en el parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 5: Utilização no Parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 6: Usi nel Postpartum - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 6: Uso en el posparto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 6: Utilização no Pós-parto - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 7: Uso en el cuidado del bebé - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 7: Uso per le Cure Infantili - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 7: Utilização nos Cuidados com o Bebé - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 8: Materia Aromática - [View Abstract]
Topic: Módulo 8: Matéria Aromática - [View Abstract]
Topic: Modulo 8: Materia Aromatica - [View Abstract]

1. Elencare e descrivere i 18 oli essenziali utilizzati per l'assistenza materna e neonatale, i loro usi, i loro principali attributi medicinali e le controindicazioni conosciute.

2. Spiegare come la "Dottrina delle Firme" viene utilizzata dagli erboristi per comprendere meglio gli attributi unici delle singole piante.

3. Discutere le ricerche condotte su specifici oli essenziali.


​Questo modulo, presentato dal punto di vista di una fitoterapista, prevede riassunti di 17 degli oli migliori da utilizzare per le cure materne ed infantili. Ciascun olio è caratterizzato dal suo luogo di provenienza, parti aromatiche, gli attributi medicinali e le controindicazioni conosciute. Introduce anche "la dottrina delle firme", un sistema di conoscenza antico utilizzato da fitoterapisti per comprendere meglio le qualità uniche delle piante individuali.

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