Hypoplasia/Insufficient Glandular Tissue Online Course(s) & Continuing Education
Access the latest clinical skills and research for Hypoplasia/Insufficient Glandular Tissue for Lactation & Breastfeeding professional training. These Hypoplasia/Insufficient Glandular Tissue online courses provide practice-changing skills and valuable perspectives from leading global experts. This Hypoplasia/Insufficient Glandular Tissue education has been accredited for a variety of CEUs / CERPs and can be accessed on-demand, at your own pace.
Mariana Colmenares Castano was born in Mexico City, and from an early age she was fascinated by animals and nature. She studied medicine at the National University of Mexico (UNAM), and found her passion as a pediatrician doing her residency at the National Pediatric Institute. When her first child was born she witnessed the lack of knowledge and commitment to breastfeeding within the medical profession, and so she decided to specialize in breastfeeding medicine. She certified as a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in 2011. Mariana is a member of the International Lactation Consultant Association, the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, and a proud founding member of the National Lactation Consultant Association of Mexico (ACCLAM), where she served on the Board of Directors as Education Coordinator (2014-2019). She is part of board director for the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine for a 3 year period (2019-2022) and recently named as secretary for the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. Mariana is a member of the team for Breastfeeding Country Index BFCI, a project from Yale University and Universidad Iberoamericana. She is consultant for the National Health Institute in Mexico and has collaborated with UNICEF in breastfeeding projects and part of the steering committee for the WHO. She has spoken at national and international conferences, co-published numerous articles and co-authored a chapter for the National Academy of Medicine. At the moment she is a Clinical Fellow in Community Paediatrics in London.
Topic: Breastfeeding The Baby With Congenital Heart Disease - [View Abstract]
Topic: Breastfeeding with Insufficient Glandular Tissue - [View Abstract]
Topic: Clinical Assessment and Management of Jaundice in the Newborn - [View Abstract]
Topic: Oral Colostrum Care as an Immunological Intervention in the NICU - [View Abstract]
Breastfeeding is the normative way to feed babies all over the world. We have access to a large amount of scientific evidence that supports it. Advocates of breastfeeding such as health care professionals that protect, promote and support the breast/chest feeding dyad can struggle sometimes with women or babies who cannot breastfeed as the World Health Organization suggests. Mothers with low milk supply are often supported by family, friends and health care with well meaning advice and remedies to help them do their best. Women who have insufficient glandular tissue (IGT) struggle with their milk supply, despite good breastfeeding management. It is common to see families with this issue during their second or third lactation failure without really understanding what might be going wrong. These babies can have dehydration in the neonatal period, hypernatremia or even death without anybody that could help with a correct diagnosis or help with achievable goals that can benefit both mother and baby. It is of great importance to help with accurate diagnosis that can also benefit psychologically and can help parents choose to continue breastfeeding with breast/ chest supplementation.
Developing An Action Plan for Mammary Hypoplasia: Improving our Understanding to Optimize Care
Lisa Marasco has been working with breastfeeding mothers for 35 years and has been Internationally Board Certified since 1993. She holds a Master’s degree in Human Development with specialization in Lactation Consulting and was designated a Fellow of ILCA in 2009.
Lisa is co-author of Making More Milk: The Breastfeeding Guide to Increasing Your Milk Production, a contributing author to the Core Curriculum for Interdisciplinary Lactation Care, and a Cochrane Collaborative author. She is employed by WIC of Santa Barbara County while she continues to research, write and speak. In addition, Lisa is affiliated with La Leche League of So. Calif/Nevada, and serves on the Breastfeeding Coalition of Santa Barbara County.
Topic: Deciphering the Lactation Curve - [View Abstract]
Topic: Developing An Action Plan for Mammary Hypoplasia: Improving our Understanding to Optimize Care - [View Abstract]
Topic: Getting a Better Grip on Prolactin - [View Abstract]
Topic: Recognizing When Things Are Heading South - [View Abstract]
Topic: The Mysterious Milk Ejection Reflex - [View Abstract]
Insufficient milk output has many causes; one of the least understood is mammary hypoplasia, under and/or abnormal development of the lactating tissue. In some cases the etiology appears to be genetically predetermined, while in others it is acquired due to environmental, hormonal or other insults prior to or during critical windows of development. It is important to differentiate these causes and their risk markers from incomplete breast changes during pregnancy due to transient external factors that may not repeat during another lactation cycle. This information, along with an understanding of the parent’s infant feeding goals, life situation and emotions, will assist the lactation clinician in developing a supportive and optimized care plan strategy.