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GOLD Learning Speakers


Liz Jones-Twomey, B.A., B.Ed.

  • Speaker Type: Early Years Symposium 2023
  • Country: Canada

Experience lively and informative workshops presented by Liz Jones-Twomey, a Blomberg International Rhythmic Movement Instructor/Consultant, ENVoY Classroom Management trainer, and recently retired elementary school teacher from the WRDSB in Canada - with over 33 years of experience! Liz has devoted a great deal of time and effort to expanding her knowledge of “brain-based” movement over the course of her career.

Liz has been a featured speaker on 4 continents and is co-creator of the following multiple award-winning movement-to-music CDs: “Catch a Brain Wave Fitness Fun;” “Smart Fitness, Smart Foods;” “Baby Connections Song Time;” and “Wiggle Jiggle Fitness Fun.” Liz has been honoured with the prestigious International Teaching Through Movement Award for her work with Brain Gym® and ‘best practice’ teaching strategies. She was presented with the W.T. Townshend Award of Excellence for her innovative teaching style, and is also a recipient of the Speedo National Fitness Instructors Award.

Liz recently participated in an 8-week research study with Queen’s University, ON , Canada, examining self-regulation and reflex integration with her Rockin’ Reflex Video Program for children ages 4 to 6 years old. This study demonstrated at a highly significant statistical level , that the rhythmic movements practiced in the Rockin' Reflex videos helped to integrate students' primitive reflexes and improved Self-Regulation skills.

Liz’s enthusiastic presentation style provides for plenty of highly engaging, hands-on, practical experiences for participants, as well as ideas about reflex integration and songs and movements that can be implemented immediately.

CE Library Presentation(s) Available Online:
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Note: Currently only available through a bundled series of lectures
Rhythmic Movements: A Second Chance to Integrate Primitive Reflexes
Primitive reflexes are necessary for an infant’s survival. These reflexes typically become integrated in the first year of life as the child instinctively practices rhythmic movements. If these reflexes do not become integrated into daily functioning, they may impede the development of more mature reflexes, causing difficulties in self-regulation, social, emotional, and academic aspects of a child's life. Studies have illustrated that rhythmic movements can give a child a second chance to integrate their primitive reflexes (Blythe, 2005; Grzywniak, 2017). Liz Jones-Twomey, along with her musical partner Ron Hiller and researcher Susan Overvelde, conducted an eight-week research study with children ages 4 to 6. This study supports the idea that the primitive reflexes of school aged children can be integrated by practicing rhythmic movements which mimic those infants naturally do. The Blomberg Rhythmic Movements and developmental movements practiced in the Rockin’ Reflex videos used in the study, helped to integrate student’s primitive reflexes and improved Self-Regulation skills. There was a statistically significant improvement in post-intervention primitive reflex scores, suggesting that the rhythmic movements practiced in these videos helped integrate children’s primitive reflexes. There were also statistically significant improvements in behavioural, cognitive, and emotional self-regulation scores, suggesting that by integrating primitive reflexes, children were able to self-regulate better.
Lectures by Profession, Product Focus
Presentations: 9  |  Hours / CE Credits: 9  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |  Categories: (IBCLC) Development and Nutrition, (IBCLC) Infant, Play and Movement