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GOLD Learning Speakers


Hairin Anisa bt Tajuddin, Master of Paediatric & IBCLC

  • Speaker Type: Parent-Centered Lactation Care Lecture Pack 2022
  • Country: Malaysia

Dr. Anisa has been working as a Consultant Pediatrician for 11 years & an IBCLC for 12 years. Dr. Anisa has a strong belief that breastfeeding saves lives of infants & young children. In order to ensure improvement of the practice of exclusive breastfeeding rate in Malaysia, she established an ambulatory care center with breastfeeding consultation services for the residents in Johor (state) & founded a networking platform for home visit counselling session by trained lactation counsellors that is BCNP (Breastfeeding Counselors Networking Program) since January 2016. Apart from above mentioned, Dr. Anisa is a mother of 4 sons with various breastfeeding experiences, blending with knowledge gained from managing cases in clinic, conferences & readings, she is confident to give lectures related to children health & lactation at national level and internationally. As fractional pediatric lecturer in Monash University Malaysia, she teaches medical students the importance and benefits of breastfeeding to our children & maternal health with hope that future young doctors will support, protect & promote breastfeeding in their services. Since 2009, Dr. Anisa has been a National BFHI Auditor, National lactation center fascilitator, trainer & speaker, and has published 2 books on breastfeeding - Induced lactation guideline & breastfeeding comic (Dr Super Pot Pet). Her deep interest in induce lactation program leads her to present this topic for GOLD Lactation.

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Note: Currently only available through a bundled series of lectures
Protocol for Successful Induced Lactation and the Importance of Mahram for Muslim Families
The meaning of mahram in Islam is a person with whom marriage is not permissible (haram) and the adopted baby will be able to achieve this mahram status by breastfeeding on her/his adopted mother for at least 5 times (satisfied feeding) before 2 years old according to the Muslim calendar. Subsequently, the baby status is similar to biological child of the adopted parents. Effective consultation is required to ensure the successful process of induced lactation for the aforementioned purpose. During consultation, breastfeeding benefits are crucial information to be explained to the adopted parents, however achieving mahram status is an additional motivational factor. According to research done by Che Abdul Rahim,N. (2020) there were 6 factors that impacted successful induction of lactation: 1) appropriate protocol, 2) support system, 3) knowledge on breastfeeding technique & use of equipment, 4) time management, 5) mother's nutrition, 6) perseverance & strong motivation through follow up & additional information about expected challenges to overcome. This presentation provides details on how to successfully induce lactation and how this knowledge can be used to support all families, including Muslim families who are breastfeeding to achieve mahram.
Presentations: 6  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6  |  Viewing Time: 4 Weeks