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GOLD Learning Speakers


Dyah Febriyanti, MD, IBCLC, FABM

  • Speaker Type: GOLD Lactation 2022, GOLD Learning Day 2024 (Summer), GOLD Lactation 2024
  • Country: Indonesia

Dr. Dyah Febriyanti, MD, IBCLC, FABM is a medical doctor and lactation consultant/ breastfeeding counselor, and a mother living in Jakarta, Indonesia. She has been working in hospitals since she graduated in 2012. She was facing many struggles to succeed breastfeeding her daughter for two years. She has been an IBCLC since 2017. She works with breastfeeding dyads in a lactation team consisting of all lady doctors in outpatient and inpatient care units. Concerning breastfeeding and nutrition in early life, she has published a semi-cookbook about complementary foods for breastfed babies and cooking videos to educate and help mothers feed their babies. She also has been working on scientific writing. She is a member of International Lactation Consultant Association, and a trainer of the Indonesian Society of Perinatology. She also is a Fellow of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (FABM).

CE Library Presentation(s) Available Online:
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Note: Currently only available through a bundled series of lectures
Pitfalls in Infant Feeding Practices After Starting Solids
Breastfeeding for the first two years has physical and psychological benefits. The baby should be well-fed through exclusive human milk for the first 6 months, then given complementary feeding (or 'start solids') while continuing to breastfeed until weaning after two years. Inadequate complementary feeding may lead to nutritional as well as developmental problems. Due to a lot of misinformation many parents are unaware of current recommendations on starting solids, and it is often a time when poor understanding of the baby’s nutritional needs leads to unnecessary concern about intake of solids and subsequent weaning. Education is crucial during this period, and it is important for health care providers to be up to date on the latest best practice guidelines and skilled at counselling parents to avoid unnecessary weaning and nutritional deficits.
Presentations: 29  |  Hours / CE Credits: 29.5  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1  |  Viewing Time: 2 Weeks
Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |  Categories: (IBCLC) Development and Nutrition, Complementary / Solid Foods
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From Galactocele to Getting Breastfeeding Back on Track: A Clinical Case Study
We report the case of a 36-year-old breastfeeding mother who presented with a giant galactocele, a painless lump in the left breast that grew rapidly over 18 days. It is theorized that inadequate breast emptying caused by the baby's tongue tie might have contributed to the galactocele development in the mother. In general, surgical drainage is required to resolve a galactocele, yet the procedure makes it difficult to maintain breastfeeding. In this case, the baby's latch was poor due to ankyloglossia. Inpatient care was coordinated amongst a surgeon, a pediatrician, and lactation specialists (IBCLC). This session will describe the care provided to this dyad which allowed them to continue breastfeeding despite undergoing multiple procedures.
Presentations: 3  |  Hours / CE Credits: 3  |  Viewing Time: 6 Weeks
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Note: Currently only available through a bundled series of lectures
When Sadness Is Not the Symptom: Clinical Approaches for Breastfeeding Mothers with Postpartum Depression
During the postpartum period, mothers experience a neuroendocrine and behavioural transition considered to be complicated. Any disruptions that occur during this transition may lead to postpartum disorder. This condition impairs maternal sensitivity, which may have additional effects on the development of the infant's emotional regulation and attachment and is associated with earlier cessation of breastfeeding. Many people mistake depression for simple sadness. Postpartum depression goes far beyond this common perception. In its correct context, it can appear as an entirely different set of complex behavioural patterns and clinical complaints, such as manic or hypomanic episodes or even a trace of psychosis. Many mothers may not share their feelings with their doctors and instead choose to ignore or deny the onset of symptoms. It is crucial to recognise these symptoms promptly and precisely while providing practical support for breastfeeding families. When assessing perinatal mental health challenges, health care providers must consider both the condition itself and its potential effects on breastfeeding. In order to support breastfeeding dyads and their families, thoughtful clinical consideration is essential.