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GOLD Learning Speakers


Sharon Smart, PhD, BSc, PGCert Higher Education Innovative Learning, CPSP, FHEA

  • Speaker Type: Tongue Tie Symposium 2023
  • Country: Australia

Dr. Sharon Smart is a dedicated and accomplished Lecturer in the Curtin School of Allied Health. With over a decade of experience, Dr Smart has a proven track record of coordinating and teaching undergraduate and postgraduate units in paediatric speech, language, feeding and swallowing disorders.

Dr. Smart has made significant contributions to the study of infant feeding, swallowing disorders in children, tongue-tie, and paediatric speech and language development. Her passion for translating clinical problems into research topics has improved the lives of countless children and their families.

In addition to her research, Sharon is committed to educating the next generation of health professionals. She takes pride in teaching evidence-based assessment and intervention practices, empowering students and clinicians to become skilled and compassionate practitioners.

Dr. Smart serves as a board member on two organisations: the Australasian Society of Tongue and Lip Tie (ASTLIT) and the International Consortium of Ankylofrenula Professionals (ICAP). As a board member, Sharon contributes her expertise and leadership to help guide these organisations in achieving their missions.

CE Library Presentation(s) Available Online:
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Note: Currently only available through a bundled series of lectures
The Impact of Tongue-Tie on Swallowing and the Implications for Breastfeeding and Starting Solids
Infants and children with tongue-tie can have difficulty swallowing, poor breastfeeding latch, and difficulty transitioning to solid foods. The impact of tongue-tie on these functions can have long-lasting effects on a child's development and well-being. This presentation will include discussion on the anatomy and physiology of swallowing and how it can be impacted by a restricted lingual frenulum. It will include discussion on the typical development of oral motor skills during breastfeeding and transition to solids, and the impact that tongue-tie can contribute to the introduction of solid foods, and challenges with chewing and swallowing. Overall, this presentation will aim to increase your understanding the impact of tongue-tie on feeding and swallowing which is crucial for healthcare professionals working with infants and young children to improve outcomes for both the child and family.
Lectures by Profession, Product Focus
Presentations: 10  |  Hours / CE Credits: 10  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks
Presentations: 5  |  Hours / CE Credits: 5  |  Viewing Time: 8 Weeks