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Jaundice Online Course(s) & Continuing Education

Access the latest clinical skills and research for Jaundice for POSTPARTUM professional training. These Jaundice online courses provide practice-changing skills and valuable perspectives from leading global experts. This Jaundice education has been accredited for a variety of CEUs / CERPs and can be accessed on-demand, at your own pace.

Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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Mariana Colmenares Castano was born in Mexico City, and from an early age she was fascinated by animals and nature.She studied medicine at the National University of Mexico (UNAM), and foundher passion as a pediatrician doing her residency at the National Pediatric Institute. When her first child was born she witnessed the lack of knowledge and commitment to breastfeeding within the medical profession, and so she decided to specialize in breastfeeding medicine. She certified as a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in 2011.Mariana is a member of the International Lactation Consultant Association, the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, and a proud founding member of the National Lactation Consultant Association of Mexico (ACCLAM), where she served on the Board of Directors as Education Coordinator (2014-2019). She is part of board director for the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine for a 3 year period (2019-2022) and recently named as secretary for the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. Mariana is a member of the team for Breastfeeding Country Index BFCI, a project from Yale University and Universidad Iberoamericana. She is consultant for the National Health Institute in Mexico and has collaborated with UNICEF in breastfeeding projects and part of the steering committee for the WHO. She has spoken at national and international conferences, co-published numerous articles and co-authored a chapter for the National Academy of Medicine. At the moment she is a Clinical Fellow in Community Paediatrics in London.


The yellow colour on the skin and eyes in the newborn is called newborn jaundice, which is common and usually harmless. It develops often 2 days after birth and it must be ruled out during the newborn physical examination. However, in a small number of babies, being jaundiced can be due to a more serious underlying condition that needs to be assessed and urgently determined if treatment is needed as there could be a risk for brain damage. An early assessment and adequate support to the family is crucial to protect the breastfeeding dyad. Learn more about the risk factors and clinical features observed with neonatal jaundice and the current guidelines for treatment.

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Presentations: 6  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6  |  Viewing Time: 4 Weeks

Creating A Care Plan for the Jaundiced Newborn

By Aruna Savur, MBBS, DNB (PED), Adv Training in NICU, IBCLC, CIMI (IAIM)
Hours / Credits: 1 (details)
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India Aruna Savur, MBBS, DNB (PED), Adv Training in NICU, IBCLC, CIMI (IAIM)

MBBS from Mysore Medical College Research Institute,Mysore , India1985-1990 DNB (Pediatrics) from Fr Muller Medical College, Mangalore, India 1994-1997

Advanced Training Program in Neonatal Intensive Care at Manipal Hospital Bengaluru, India 2014-2015


Certified infant massage instructor from IAIM 2020 Work experience: In private pediatric practice from 1998-2014. After NICU fellowship, worked at different hospitals in Bengaluru, India as a consultant pediatrician.

With over 2 decades of pediatric practice, neonatology training and an IBCLC qualification, i like to think that i am a baby friendly+breastfeeding friendly pediatrician in private practice in Bengaluru My special interest is to help mothers and babies with their breastfeeding journeys, and i constantly update myself with current learning in the field.

India Aruna Savur, MBBS, DNB (PED), Adv Training in NICU, IBCLC, CIMI (IAIM)

Jaundice is an important problem in the first week of life. It is a cause of concern for the midwife and a source of anxiety for the parents. Jaundice is the most common morbidity in the neonatal period with nearly 60% of term newborn becoming visibly jaundiced in the first week of life. Preterm babies are at greater risk. While in most cases, it is benign and no intervention is required, approximately 5-10 % of newborns have clinically significant hyper-bilirubinemia mandating the use of phototherapy .

Neonates who are exclusively breastfeeding have a different pattern and degree of jaundice as compared to artificially fed babies. Because high bilirubin levels may be toxic to the developing central nervous system and may cause neurological impairment even in term newborns, it is important to know how to determine if a baby is significantly jaundiced, risk factors involved and when treatment is indicated.

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Presentations: 6  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6  |  Viewing Time: 4 Weeks
This presentation is currently available through a bundled series of lectures.