Theories of Pain & Pain Management Online Course(s) & Continuing Education
Access the latest clinical skills and research for Theories of Pain & Pain Management for PREGNANCY, LABOUR & CHILDBIRTH professional training. These Theories of Pain & Pain Management online courses provide practice-changing skills and valuable perspectives from leading global experts. This Theories of Pain & Pain Management education has been accredited for a variety of CEUs / CERPs and can be accessed on-demand, at your own pace.
Achy But Not Breaky: Pregnancy Related Pelvic Girdle Pain Meets Contemporary Pain Science
Dr. Sinéad Dufour is an Associate Clinical Professor in the Faculty of Health Science at McMaster University. She teaches and conducts research in the Schools of Medicine, Nursing and Rehabilitation Science. She completed her MScPT at McMaster University (2003), her PhD in Health and Rehabilitation Science at Western (2011), and returned to McMaster to complete a post-doctoral fellowship (2014). Her current research interests include: conservative approaches to manage pelvic floor dysfunction, pregnancy-related pelvic-girdle pain, and interprofessional collaborative practice models of service provision to enhance pelvic health and pain care. Sinéad stays current as a pelvic health physiotherapist through her practice at The World of my Baby (the WOMB), a company in which is a partner.
Sinéad is an active member of several organizations charged with optimizing perinatal care and pelvic health and has led and contributed many clinical practice guidelines to improve care provision. Sinéad is also a sought out expert to speak at conferences around the world and currently consults with several companies that focus on pelvic health and perinatal care such as FIFA Women's Football, Lansinoh, and Urospot. Her passion for optimizing perinatal care and promoting pelvic stemmed from her own experience becoming a mother of twins.
Pregnancy related pelvic girdle pain (PPGP) is a common presentation representing a significant health problem in perinatal care. Although the etiology of PPGP is yet to be fully elucidated, the state of the science regarding PPGP has evolved substantially over the last decade. Despite this, care of PPGP remains poor as the the uptake of this evolution remains limited. Increasingly, PPGP is associated with significant maternal morbidity extending to implications for the whole family unit. As such, PPGP should be regarded as a priority among all relevant health care professionals and such professionals need themselves to be up to date with current research in order to optimally assist those they care for.
Despite recent clinical practice guidelines acknowledging the need to shift away from viewing this pain presentation through a biomechanical lens, the biomechanical narrative remains and is to the detriment of those with PPGP. The majority of currently utilized care strategies for PPGP are not supported by current clinical practice guidelines or recommended practice perspectives. The impetus of the recent publication of “Reframing beliefs and instilling facts for contemporary management of pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain”, with associated infographic, was to facilitate the needed knowledge mobilization on this topic. This presentation will allow you to update your practices to align with recent research and new recommendations for best practice.
Sterile Water Injections for Managing Back Pain in Labour: Evidence, Techniques and Implementation
Nigel is a Registered Midwife and Senior Research Fellow at the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, The University of Queensland. His interest in research is underpinned by many years of clinical practice.
The main focus of his research has been on optimising care during childbirth. In particular, he has undertaken mixed methods research and published extensively in the use of sterile water injections for pain relief in labour. He has also led research projects into first and second stage management, and induction of labour. Nigel has strong collaborative research networks with researchers across Australia and in the UK, Sweden, Canada and the United States.
Topic: Sterile Water Injections for Managing Back Pain in Labour: Evidence, Techniques and Implementation - [View Abstract]
Up to 30% of women experience severe back pain in labour. In qualitative studies women have described how labour back pain limited their mobility and altered their plans for analgesia use. Injections of small amounts of sterile water into the skin of the lower back are used to alleviate back pain for up to two hours. Whilst much research supports the effectiveness of the technique, critics suggest a placebo effect or dismiss the procedure as ‘midwifery voodoo’. This presentation will examine the causes and physiology of back pain in labour, examine and critique the research into sterile water injections, and describe the various techniques, benefits and limitations for use in clinical practice. Finally, I will discuss strategies for and dealing with barriers to implementation.