Full-term Breastfeeding Online Course(s) & Continuing Education
Access the latest clinical skills and research for Full-term Breastfeeding for Lactation & Breastfeeding professional training. These Full-term Breastfeeding online courses provide practice-changing skills and valuable perspectives from leading global experts. This Full-term Breastfeeding education has been accredited for a variety of CEUs / CERPs and can be accessed on-demand, at your own pace.
Full-Term Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding: Benefits, Considerations, and Ways to Offer Support
Joy MacTavish, MA, IBCLC, RLC is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and certified Holistic Sleep Coach focusing on the intersections of infant feeding, sleep, and family well-being. Through her business, Sound Beginnings, she provides compassionate and evidence-based support to families in the greater Seattle area, and virtually everywhere else. She entered the perinatal field in 2007 as birth and postpartum doula, and childbirth and parenting educator. Joy holds a Master of Arts in Cultural Studies, graduate certificate in Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies, and two Bachelors degrees from the University of Washington. She enjoys combining her academic background, analytical skills, and passion for social justice into her personal and professional endeavors. Joy serves as an Advisory Committee Member and guest speaker for the GOLD Lactation Academy. When not working or learning, she can be found homeschooling, building LEGO with her children, or dreaming up her next big adventure.
Topic: Full-Term Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding: Benefits, Considerations, and Ways to Offer Support - [View Abstract]
Topic: Mindful Breastfeeding: How Lactation Professionals Can Support Calm and Connection - [View Abstract]
Topic: Sending Reports: What’s in it for IBCLCs? - [View Abstract]
Topic: Supporting Clients Facing Fertility Treatment - [View Abstract]
Topic: The Intersection Between Lactation, Sleep, and Family Well-Being - [View Abstract]
Topic: Weaning: Supporting Families Stopping Lactation and/or Ending Their Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding Relationship - [View Abstract]
"Full-term," "natural term," or "extended" are just a few of the phrases that are often used when describing breastfeeding/chestfeeding relationships that last longer than the cultural norm for a given community or geographic region. We know that breastfeeding/chestfeeding past infancy is full of benefits for both the parent and the child. Yet many families who plan for (or unintentionally find themselves in) a breastfeeding/chestfeeding relationship into toddlerhood or beyond face critiques, emotions, logistics, and a need for support that is unique to this experience. This presentation will cover considerations of full-term nursing including an overview of developmental stages for a breastfeeding/chestfeeding child, changes in milk composition, and psychobiological benefits to both the child and parent. We will also explore ways that lactation supporters and professionals may offer support, encouragement, and guidance to these families. Whether you have been supporting full-term nursing for years, or this is an area that you'd like to learn more about, you're sure to leave this presentation with insights and strategies that you can use to support full-term nursing families.
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Working With Families Feeding Beyond 12 Months: Offering Support With Confidence
Emma became a breastfeeding counsellor with the UK's Association of Breastfeeding Mothers in 2007. She has been an IBCLC since 2011 and volunteers at two groups in Haringey in North London. She is on the board of trustees for the Human Milk Foundation - a charity committed to improving access to donor human milk. She has written several books including ‘You’ve Got it in You: a positive guide to breastfeeding’ for new parents and ‘The Breast Book’ for pre-teens and teens. Her book, “Breastfeeding past the first six months and beyond: a guide for professionals and parents” was published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers and followed in February 2024 by ‘Supporting the transition from breastfeeding: a guide to weaning for professionals, supporters and parents’. She devotes a portion of her private practice to supporting parents who continue to breastfeed beyond infancy, including during the weaning process. In 2022, Emma received the Lactation Consultations of Great Britain award for outstanding contribution to breastfeeding. You can find her at www.emmapickettbreastfeedingsupport.com and on instagram as @emmapickettibclc. Her podcast "Makes Milk with Emma Pickett" launched in September 2023.
Topic: Working With Families Feeding Beyond 12 Months: Offering Support With Confidence - [View Abstract]
This session focuses on supporting parents who are breastfeeding/chestfeeding beyond 12 months. Many of us live in countries where breastfeeding beyond 12 months is not the norm. When it does happen, it may not happen openly. Parents are often feeling increasingly isolated and may be dealing with lack of support from family and friends. There can be further challenges such as new issues with positioning and attachment, conversations with employers and health professionals, dealing with family break-up and thinking about new pregnancies. Parents continuing to feed older children may not always feel able to reach out to local breastfeeding support services that often focus on the newborn period. You will be encouraged to reflect on your personal approach to supporting feeding older children and whether you have any unconscious or conscious bias that may affect your work. The session will give you confidence to discuss the value of continuing to breastfeed with families and colleagues and be able to offer a variety of support.
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