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GOLD Learning Day - Human Milk Composition: Navigating the Role of Parental Nutrition

Lactating parents hear a lot of conflicting information about what they should or shouldn't eat and how their diet might impact both their milk and baby. When offering support to lactating families, it's important to be able to separate the facts from the myths in order to provide evidence based care. This program will leave you feeling better prepared to answer questions from your clients about how their milk and baby might be impacted by their diet, what kind of diet might be appropriate if their baby is suffering colic or allergy symptoms and how diet trends such as a keto diet, intermittent fasting or detoxing might impact lactation.

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$40.00 USD
Total CE Hours: 3.00   Access Time: 6 Weeks  
Lectures in this bundle (3):
Duration: 60 mins
Milk Composition and Maternal Nutrition: Understanding the Impact and Outcomes

Rosa Sorribas is an IBCLC in private practice in Barcelona since 2008. She is a Computer Engineer working on Internet and databases since 1986. In 2002, after her first daughter was born, she and her husband created, a Spanish portal and forum with information for an attachment parenting style of life. Since then, she's been involved in breastfeeding groups, such as La Leche League and Areola, which she still collaborates with. She offers breastfeeding and babywearing education in Spain, Portugal, Poland, and online. She's been working as doula in home and hospital births. Her website has been the source of dozens of support groups, many breastfeeding conselours and IBCLCs, and has helped hundreds of thousands of families around the world to get their maternity goals. For the last few years she's been very focused in nutrition after a cancer treatment left some issues on her health. She is now running a weekly podcast and video interview to relevant people addressing topics from conception to teens. In February she will launch a training course to become IBCLC, with the help of several new and experienced IBCLCs that she's been mentoring, in a site called She lives near the beach of Castelldefels with her two daughters who were homeschooled for 6 years, her lovely husband and her dog Timi.

Objective 1: Identify the major components in human milk.

Objective 2: Identify which components in human milk depend on maternal diet.

Objective 3: Discuss how specific nutritional deficiencies may affect the mother or baby's health.


As opposed to being considered the optimal way to feed a baby, breastfeeding should instead be considered the norm. Human milk is the most appropriate food for all babies, even if the mother is experiencing health issues or challenging life conditions. Human milk, despite maternal conditions, is the best source of food for children. Lifestyle, maternal diet, environmental exposures, and stress, among other factors, can impact health outcomes. This leads to the question of whether these factors can also affect human milk composition. Can babies become nutritionally deficient from the composition of their mother’s milk? What is deficiency? How are those thresholds calculated? This presentation will shed light on this subject, which is undergoing a tremendous amount of new research.

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Duration: 60 mins
Joanna Nawfal, RN, MSN, IBCLC
A Dairy-free Mediterranean Diet and the Impact on Colic and Allergy in Infants Receiving Human Milk
Lebanon Joanna Nawfal, RN, MSN, IBCLC

Joanna Nawfal is a board-certified lactation consultant, a childbirth educator, a hypnobirthing instructor, and a certified baby massage instructor, with 15 years of experience in the field of maternal child health and a Masters of Science in Nursing. Joanna is passionate about helping mothers and babies in their breastfeeding journey, and was inspired to start this path after having difficulties 10 years ago, breastfeeding her first child, Adam. She loves teaching expecting parents about the beauty of birth, normal newborn behavior, and is exceptionally passionate about nutrition for mothers as she believes that we can always find cure in food.

Joanna enjoys doing home visits and clinic consultations for breastfeeding. She also offers birth preparation classes in her country, Lebanon, where she lives with her husband and two children. Her favorite activity is getting lost in Lebanon’s bountiful nature where the mountains and the sea are in close proximity. To Joanna, Lebanon, is the most beautiful country in the world.

Objective 1: Describe the components of a Mediterranean diet.

Objective 2: Discuss what the current literature shows about the effect of the mother's food on the breastfeeding dyad.

Objective 3: Describe how diet affected colic and allergy symptoms in the referenced study.

Lebanon Joanna Nawfal, RN, MSN, IBCLC

Colic and allergy symptoms are problems commonly encountered in newborns exclusively receiving human milk, and are thought to be triggered by inflammatory responses in the gut. Maternal diet, especially cow’s milk intake, has been associated with infantile colic and allergies, but no previous studies have examined the effect of a Mediterranean diet. Thus, this new research aims to investigate whether maternal adherence to a dairy-free Mediterranean diet, known for its anti-inflammatory properties, reduces colic and allergy symptoms in infants exclusively fed human milk. This presentation will discuss the methodology of this recent study and present the results of the Mediterranean diet on allergy symptoms and average daily crying of infants.

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Duration: 60 mins
Meghan McMillin, MS, RD, IBCLC
Popular Diet Trends: Impact and Safety During Lactation
United States Meghan McMillin, MS, RD, IBCLC

Meghan McMillin holds a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She has been a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) since 2013 and became an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in 2019.

Meghan spent 5 years working clinically in the NICU, pediatric floor and women’s units of a local hospital. In 2019, Meghan started her own private practice and consulting company, Mama & Sweet Pea Nutrition, with a focus on postpartum and infant care. The mama to two young kids with food allergies, helping other families manage food allergies, whether it’s while breastfeeding, during the introduction of solids, or later in childhood, is her passion.

Meghan is a member of the International Lactation Consultant Association and the United States Lactation Consultant Association. She enjoys sharing her knowledge through social media and public speaking. Meghan is the coauthor of the eBook What To Eat When Your Baby Can’t Tolerate Milk, Soy, or Egg Protein; Nutrition guidance for avoiding milk, soy, and/or eggs while lactating.

Meghan has presented both nationally and internationally including for GOLD learning, the National WIC Association and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. In 2020, Meghan was awarded the Emerging Professional in Women's Health Award from the Women's Health Dietetic Practice Group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Objective 1: Describe the basic principles of three popular diet trends.

Objective 2: Assess the current evidence for these diet trends.

Objective 3: Identify potential contraindications on the use of these diet trends during lactation.

United States Meghan McMillin, MS, RD, IBCLC

Diet culture is pervasive and it seems everyday brings about a new popular trend or style in how, when, or what to eat. The postpartum period often brings about an incredible amount of pressure to lose weight or “bounce back” to pre-pregnancy body shape. It’s no wonder many turn to popular diet trends with the promises of quick weight loss. However, with a lack of research in the lactating population, there remains concern regarding both the effect these diets may have on milk supply and their safety. This presentation will provide lactation professionals with the information they need to have informative discussions with their clients about popular diet trends.

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CERPs - Continuing Education Recognition Points
GOLD Conferences has been designated as a Long Term Provider of CERPs by the IBLCE--Approval #CLT114-07. This program has been approved for 3 CERPs (3 L-CERPs).

Midwifery CEUs (MEAC Schools):
This program is accredited through the Midwifery Education & Accreditation Council (MEAC) and is approved for 3 Hours, the equivalent of 0.3 CEUs. Please note that 0.1 MEAC Midwifery CEU is equivalent to 1.0 NARM CEUs.

If you have already participated in this program, you are not eligible to receive additional credits for viewing it again. Please sent us an email to [email protected] if you have any questions.

Additional Details:

Viewing time: 6 Weeks

Tags / Categories

(IBCLC) Infant, (IBCLC) Infant, (IBCLC) Maternal, (IBCLC) Maternal, (IBCLC) Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology, Breastfeeding & Maternal Nutrition

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  • The viewing time will be specified for each product. When you purchase multiple items in your cart, the viewing time becomes CUMULATIVE. Ex. Lecture 1= 2 weeks and Lecture Pack 2 = 4 Weeks, you will have a total of 6 weeks viewing time for ALL the presentations made in that purchase.
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  • During our online conferences, presentations that occur live are also followed by a short 15 minute Question & Answer Session. The Speaker addresses questions that were posted by Delegates during the presentation. We include the recording of these Q&A Sessions as a bonus for you.

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