
  • Affordable Educational Credits
  • Watch At Your Convenience
  • Worldwide Speakers
  • Captivating Topics
  • Peer Interactions


The following online presentations are accredited for AMA PRA Category 1 Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits and offer education for Physicians and Healthcare Providers working in the field in need of CME credits for recertification and general career development.

$110.00 USD

Advancements in Neonatal Pharmacology Lecture Pack

Having a strong understanding of pharmacokinetics and how they are impacted by the development of the neonate is a crucial part of providing safe and effective care in the NICU. Particularly for prete...
Teresa D. Puthoff, BS Pharm, PharmD, BCNSP
Advanced Postoperative Pain Management Strategies in the NICU
Gayatri Jape, MBBS, MD, FRACP, PhD
Advances in Enteral Nutrition in High-Risk Neonates
Pavel Prusakov, PharmD, BCPPS, BCIDP
Hold the Meds: A Guide to Toxicities of Common NICU Medications
Wendy Jones, PhD, MRPharmS
Medication and Breastmilk in the NICU
Jim Thigpen, PharmD, BCPS
Pharmacotherapy for Hemodynamic Instability in Neonates
Mary Petrea Cober, PharmD, BCNSP, BCPPS, FASPEN
The Classics Versus New and Upcoming Therapies: Which is Better for Neonatal Seizures?
Presentations: 6  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 4 Weeks  |   Added: 03/08/2023
Nurse Contact Hour(s): 6
CME: 6
$110.00 USD
GOLD Learning Symposium Series

GOLD Learning Early Years Online Symposium 2023

The GOLD Learning Early Years Online Symposium 2023 provides the latest evidence-based continuing education for health care professionals working with families with children aged 0-3 years. As resear...
Early Experiences and Emotional Brain Development
Anna Reyner, MA, ATR, LMFT
Trauma-Informed Art Activities for Early Childhood: Using Process Art to Repair Trauma and Help Children Thrive
What a Turtle can Teach: The Importance of Animals in Children’s Lives
Liz Jones-Twomey, B.A., B.Ed.
Rhythmic Movements: A Second Chance to Integrate Primitive Reflexes
Carlota López-Peredo, Bachelor in Biochemistry & Special Needs Teacher
Movement: The Brain's Power Boost for Learning
Strategies for Helping Families to Weather Life's Storms Together
Mim Ochsenbein, MSW, OTR/L
Sensory Systems and the Implications for Early Childhood Development
Nikki Riemann, BHlthSc, LLB, GDLP, BTeach(Sec), RMT Consultant
Back to Birth: The Power of Primitive Reflexes to Rebuild Brain Foundations
Ben Kingston-Hughes, MA, BA(Hons), ALAM (Hons)
Playful Brains - The Neuroscience of Play
Presentations: 9  |  Hours / CE Credits: 9 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 8 Weeks  |   Added: 20/04/2023
AMS CPD Hours: 9
Nurse Contact Hour(s): 9
ACM CPD Hours: 9
CME: 9
Midwifery CEU: 0.9
$150.00 USD
GOLD Learning Symposium Series, Midwifery Bridge CEUs

GOLD Learning Labour & Delivery Online Symposium 2023

The GOLD Learning Labour & Delivery Online Symposium provides the latest evidence-based continuing education for health care professionals working with birthing families. Research tells us that health...
Jenny Blyth, Independent Birth Educator & Bodyworker
Hand Jiggling the Pelvis in Birth: Creating Space & Improving Labour Progress
Archetypes of Power: Navigating Dynamics of the Labor Room
Maggie Runyon, MSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM
Not Handmaiden or Hero: The Impact of Nursing Identity on Nurse-Patient Relationship and Care
Karen H. Strange, CPM, AAP/NRP Instructor, CKC
The Remarkable Transition From Liquid to Air at Birth: The Implications for Neonatal Resuscitation
Sharpening Your Knowledge of Fetal Heart Monitoring Concepts
Mandy Irby, BSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, LCCE
Stirrups Are Restraints: 5 Simple Steps to Overcome Barriers to Upright Pushing
Only Now, Just This - Practicing Mindfulness in Labor and Delivery
Identification and Management of Fear of Childbirth
Presentations: 8  |  Hours / CE Credits: 8 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 8 Weeks  |   Added: 20/04/2023
Nurse Contact Hour(s): 8
CME: 8
Midwifery CEU: 0.8
ACM CPD Hours: 8
Save on Early Bird Discount!
$120.00 USD
GOLD Learning Symposium Series

GOLD Learning Labour & Delivery Online Symposium 2024

Save the date for the second annual GOLD Learning Labour and Delivery Symposium! This exciting learning opportunity will provide the latest evidence-based continuing education for health care professi...
Nigel Lee, RM BHlthSc(mid) MMid PhD
Sterile Water Injections for Managing Back Pain in Labour: Evidence, Techniques and Implementation
Kelly Dungan, RN, CNE, CPM
Reimagining Self Care for a Profession at a Crossroads
Loredana Zordan, RM, Acupunturist
Acupressure for Pain Relief in Labour
Vitamin K for Newborns: Unraveling Social Media Myths from Research-Based Facts
Mandy Rempfer-Kuncio, MScPT, BSc (hons), CD(DONA)
The Ups and Downs of Birth Positions: Pelvic Biomechanics, Birth and the Pelvic Floor
Sally Pezaro, PhD MSc BA (Hons) PgCAPHE FRCM SFHEA RM
Management of Childbearing with Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders
External Fetal Monitoring and Avoiding Liability: Sharpening Your Documentation
Nikki Zerfas, BSN, RN C-EFM, IBCLC, SpBT
Physiology Leads the Way – Supporting Medically Complex Pregnancy and Birth with Physiology
Isabella Garti, PhD, MN, BSc, RM
Optimizing Clinical Management of Pre-Eclampsia During Labour and Birth
Tanya Singleton, BSN, MA, MPH, RN-BC, IBCLC, LCCE, DFB
Establishing Breastfeeding and Bonding in the Post COVID Hospital Setting
Presentations: 10  |  Hours / CE Credits: 10 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 8 Weeks  |   Added: 29/05/2024
ACM CPD Hours: 10
Nurse Contact Hour(s): 10
CME: 10
Midwifery CEU: 1.0
$170.00 USD
Lactation, GOLD Learning Symposium Series, 10+ CERPs Bundles

GOLD Learning Tongue-Tie Online Symposium 2023

Caring for a family with a tongue-tied baby requires specialized knowledge and skills. Join us at the GOLD Learning Online Tongue-Tie Symposium 2023 to refine your fundamental skills by learning abo...
Post Frenotomy Wound Management and Bodily Autonomy
Building a Clinical Tongue-Tie Care Plan Families Can Work With
Shana Quarrie, MSOT, OTR/L, IBCLC, C/NDT
Annette Leary, RN, BSN, IBCLC
The Untethered Method Integrated: Team Approach to Assessment and Oral Habilitation
Adrienne Guirguis, IBCLC, CSOM
Navigating the Challenges of Tongue-Tie: Counseling and Anticipatory Guidance
Melissa Cole, MS, IBCLC
Feeding is Movement: Activities for Supporting Optimal Infant Oral Function
Beneath the Surface: Anatomy and Physiology and How These Influence the Approach to Frenectomy
Wondering about “The Wanderer?” The Vagus and Ankyloglossia
Kathy Parkes, MSN-Ed, BSPsy, RN, IBCLC, RLC, FILCA
Complex Cases of Tongue-tied Babies: What Do We Tackle First?
Trauma Informed and Family Centered Care! Keeping the Family Unit at the Center of a Tongue-Tie Treatment Model
Sharon Smart, PhD, BSc, PGCert Higher Education Innovative Learning, CPSP, FHEA
The Impact of Tongue-Tie on Swallowing and the Implications for Breastfeeding and Starting Solids
Presentations: 10  |  Hours / CE Credits: 10 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 8 Weeks  |   Added: 17/04/2023
CERP: 10
L-CERP: 10
Dietetics CEU: 10
CME: 10
$170.00 USD
Lactation, GOLD Learning Symposium Series, Translated Lectures, 10+ CERPs Bundles

GOLD Learning Tongue-Tie Online Symposium 2022

The GOLD Learning Tongue-Tie Online Symposium 2022 offers an exciting look at the latest research, perspectives and best practice when working with infants with oral restrictions and their families...
Impact of Tethered Oral Tissues on the Fascial System
Camila Palma, DDS, MSc (Master in Pediatric Dentistry) & IBCLC
Ankyloglossia Differential Diagnosis: Tongue-Tie, Retrognathia or Hypotonia?
Frenectomy: The Importance of Anticipatory Guidance and Post Procedure Support
Christine Staricka, BS, IBCLC, RLC, CLSP, CE, FILCA
Tongue-Tied and Troubled: A Breastfeeding Journey at Risk
Tongue-tie Assessment Using the Lingual Frenulum Protocol for Infants
Sarah Oakley, RN SCPHN (Health Visitor) IBCLC
COVID-19 and Implications for Tongue-Tie Division in Infants
Michelle Emanuel, OTR/L, IBCLC, CST, NBCR
Compensatory vs Novel Movements: 3 Keys for Babies With Tongue, Lip and Buccal Restrictions
Case Studies of Missed Tongue Ties and Subsequent Consequences
Beyond Breastfeeding: The Long Term Implications of Tongue-Tie in Our Adult Patients
Research Findings on the Short Lingual Frenulum and Reflux
Presentations: 10  |  Hours / CE Credits: 10 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 8 Weeks  |   Added: 16/05/2022
CERP: 10
CME: 10
Dietetics CEU: 10
$315.00 USD
Lactation, 10+ CERPs Bundles

GOLD Lactation Online Conference 2024

Welcome to the 18th Annual GOLD Lactation Online Conference! We're eager to continue our work of exploring the latest research, honing clinical skills, and examining trends, new ideas and hot topics i...
Achieving Lactation Excellence: Unleash the Power of Caring with Impact, Equity, and Evidence-Based Support
Shela Hirani, PhD, MScN, RN, BScN, IBCLC
Humanitarian Aid and Breastfeeding: What Does the Research Tell Us is Needed?
Mercedes Thomas, MSN, APRN, CPNP-PC, IBCLC
Unlocking the Power and Dismantling the Bias: Lactation Education in a Digital World
Breastfeeding Counselling Concepts from Disciplines Outside the Maternity Ward
Tiara Caldwell, LPN, IBCLC
Are You Part of the Village? Supporting Single-Parent Households and Other Unique Family Structures
Miranda Buck, RN, BA, MPhil, IBCLC, PhD
Adapting Lactation Assessment and Support for Neurodivergent Families
Dianne Cassidy, MA, IBCLC-RLC, ALC
Cutting Through the Challenges: Unveiling the Cesarean-Breastfeeding Connection
Megan Dunn, BS, IBCLC, CNDLS
Navigating PCOS During Lactation: Solution Focused Strategies and Equity in Care
How Parents Regulate Their Babies' Nervous Systems: Biobehavioral Synchrony in Lactation
Caoimhe Whelan, B. Eng, IBCLC, MSc.
The All-Consuming Journey: Lived Experiences of Mothers with Primary Low Milk Production
Oxytocin and Skin to Skin Contact: The Power of Touch During Breastfeeding
Laurel A. Wilson, IBCLC, BSc, CLE, CLD, CCCE, CLSP
Inside Out: Unraveling the Dance of NeoHormones, the Estrobolome, and the Microbiome
Dyah Febriyanti, MD, IBCLC, FABM
When Sadness Is Not the Symptom: Clinical Approaches for Breastfeeding Mothers with Postpartum Depression
Lindsey Reeves, MS, RD, LDN, IBCLC
Making Muscle and Milk: The Physiology of Exercise and Lactation
Kelly Durbin, M.Ed., IBCLC
Collateral Damage: Exploring the Impact of Routine Birth Interventions on Breastfeeding
Driving Change in Lactation Support with A Mobile Lactation Clinic
Clinical Case Studies: Transitioning From Failure to Thrive to Flourishing in Breastfed Infants
Accessible Tools and Techniques For Relieving Breast and Body Pain While Breastfeeding
Jacqueline Kincer, IBCLC, CSOM
Diving into the Nuances of Clinical Sucking Skills: Bridging Infant Oral Function and Breast Physiology
Avery Young, M.S, M.Ed, IBCLC
Solving Latching Problems: A Reflex-Based Approach
Relieving Discomfort: Non-Prescription Cold and Pain Relief While Breastfeeding
Indira Lopez-Bassols, BA (hons), MSc, IBCLC, MPhil/PhD Student
The Research Parade: Reviewing the Latest Evidence in Order to Apply it to Your Lactation Practice
Keeping Family at the Heart: Practical Strategies Explored
Evidence-Informed Lactation Care: Navigating Practice Among Research Gaps
Jessica Altemara, IBCLC, RLC
Lab Work for Targeted and Individualized Support for Low Milk Production
Stacy L. Notestine, BSN, RN, IBCLC, RYT-200
Be Your “Breast” You! Self Care Strategies for Lactation Professionals to Avoid Burnout
Amrita Desai, MSc, LCCE, IBCLC
Applying Lactation Theory to Real-World Cases of Complex Lactation Issues
Shacchee Khare Baweja, MBBS, DCH, IYCF, IBCLC
Fostering Bodily Autonomy in Lactation: Breastfeeding Support Through The Lens of Parental and Infant Rights
The Evolution of Lactation Aids: From Nipple Shields to Silicone Collection Cups and Beyond
Presentations: 29  |  Hours / CE Credits: 30.5 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 8 Weeks  |   Added: 12/06/2024
CERP: 30.5
L-CERP: 27.5
Nurse Contact Hour(s): 30.5
CME: 30.5
Dietetics CEU: 30.5
Midwifery CEU: 3.0