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The Perinatal Microbiome as a Target for Health Risk Reduction

  • Duration: 60 Mins
  • Credits:
  • Handout: Yes

Humans are now recognized as being majority microbial based both on numbers of cells and numbers of genes. We are estimated to be approximately 57% microbial in cells and more than 99% genetically microbial. Taken a as whole, the bacteria, archaea, protozoa, viruses, and fungi that live on and in our body are called our microbiome. Most of the baby’s microbiome is seeded at or near birth and during early infant feeding making the perinatal period a critical time for human self-completion. Because of their location on and in our body and their capacity for metabolism, cell signaling and epigenetic regulation of the body’s physiological systems, our microbial co-partners can exert a major effect on human development, physiological function (e.g., neurological, immune, endocrine, respiratory, gastrointestinal) and risk of both noncommunicable and infectious diseases. The lecture will detail why management of the perinatal microbiome is critical for health risk reduction.

Learning Objectives:

Objective 1: Attendees will apply a new thinking about human superorganism biology to practical health issues surrounding birth and infancy such as maternal, neonatal, and infant nutrition, lifestyle choices, chemical, drug and microbial safety, disease prevention and wellness, and precision-personalized medicine.
Objective 2: Attendees will learn about the ways in which risk for infectious and non-communicable diseases are inter-related during infancy.
Objective 3: Attendees will learn about the co-maturation of the infant microbiome in concert with the baby’s immune and other physiological systems.
Objective 4: Attendees will learn how breast milk functions to both seed and feed the baby’s microbiome.