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Translated Lectures

GOLD Learning is excited to offer education in different languages. Below you will find presentations presented in English with subtitles such as French, Spanish, Portuguese. We are also pleased to offer education presented in another language. Please click ‘purchase’ to add the lecture to your account.

Please reach out to our GOLD team in case you have any inquiries about the subtitles, as well as if you would like to see another language to be added.

A GOLD Learning está entusiasmada em oferecer educação em diferentes idiomas. Abaixo você encontrará apresentações apresentadas em inglês com legendas como francês, espanhol, português. Também temos o prazer de oferecer educação apresentada em outro idioma. Por favor, clique em 'comprar' para adicionar a palestra à sua conta.

Por favor, entre em contato com nossa equipe GOLD caso tenha alguma dúvida sobre as legendas, bem como se você gostaria de ver outra língua a ser adicionada.

GOLD Learning se complace en ofrecer educación en diferentes idiomas. A continuación encontrará presentaciones presentadas en inglés con subtítulos en francés, español y portugués. También nos complace ofrecer educación presentada en otro idioma. Por favor, haga clic en "comprar" para añadir la conferencia a su cuenta.

Por favor, póngase en contacto con nuestro equipo GOLD en caso de que tenga alguna duda sobre los subtítulos, así como si desea que se añada otro idioma.

GOLD Learning est heureux de proposer des formations en différentes langues. Vous trouverez ci-dessous des présentations présentées en anglais avec des sous-titres tels que français, espagnol, portugais. Nous sommes également heureux d'offrir un enseignement présenté dans une autre langue. Veuillez cliquer sur "acheter" pour ajouter la conférence à votre compte.

Veuillez contacter notre équipe GOLD si vous avez des questions concernant les sous-titres, ou si vous souhaitez qu'une autre langue soit ajoutée.

$18.00 USD
Translated Lectures

Collaborative Care With a Chiropractor for Infant Feeding Dysfunction / Soins Collaboratifs Avec un Chiropraticien Pour Les Troubles De L’alimentation Du Nourrisson

Evidence suggests that trauma during pregnancy, labor and delivery may be a contributing factor to soft tissue and joint restrictions that affect an infant’s inability to latch and effectively trans...
Andrew Dorough, DC, CACCP
Collaborative Care With a Chiropractor for Infant Feeding Dysfunction
Presentations: 1  |  Hours / CE Credits: 1 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 2 Weeks  |   Added: 03/08/2022
Dietetics CEU: 1
Midwifery CEU: 0.1
$70.00 USD
Midwifery, Translated Lectures

Vortragsreihe über Ätherische Öle für Mütterliches Wohlbefinden

Das Vortragspaket "Ätherische Öle für das Wohlbefinden von Müttern" ist ein kompletter Online-Kurs, der für Geburtshelfer entwickelt wurde, die lernen möchten, wie man ätherische Öle in jeder ...
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Modul 1: Grundlagen
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Modul 2: Anwendungen und Dosierung
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Modul 3: Sicherheit bei Mutterschaft
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Modul 4: Anwendung in der Schwangerschaft
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Modul 5: Anwendung während der Wehen
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Modul 6: Anwendung im Wochenbett
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Modul 7: Anwendung in der Säuglingspflege
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Modul 8: Materia Aromatica
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Modul 9: Die Aromatherapie in der Praxis
Presentations: 9  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 4 Weeks  |   Added: 07/02/2023
Midwifery CEU: 0.6
$85.00 USD
Midwifery, Translated Lectures

Aceites Esenciales para el Bienstar Materno

Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness Lecture Package es un completo curso de formación en línea desarrollado para profesionales del parto que deseen aprender a aplicar de forma segura y eficaz los a...
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Módulo 1: Fundamentos
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Módulo 2: Aplicaciones y dosificación
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Módulo 3: Seguridad en la maternidad
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Módulo 4: Uso en el embarazo
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Módulo 5: Uso en el parto
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Módulo 6: Uso en el posparto
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Módulo 7: Uso en el cuidado del bebé
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Módulo 8: Materia Aromática
Presentations: 9  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 4 Weeks  |   Added: 07/02/2023
Midwifery CEU: 0.6
$85.00 USD
Midwifery, Translated Lectures

Oli Essenziali per il Benessere Materno

Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness Lecture Package è un corso di formazione online completo sviluppato per i professionisti della nascita che desiderano imparare ad applicare in modo sicuro ed effi...
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Modulo 1: I Fondamentali
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Modulo 2: Applicazioni e Dosaggi
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Modulo 3: Sicurezza in Maternità
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Modulo 4: Usi in Gravidanza
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Modulo 5: Usi durante il travaglio
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Modulo 6: Usi nel Postpartum
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Modulo 7: Uso per le Cure Infantili
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Modulo 8: Materia Aromatica
Presentations: 9  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 4 Weeks  |   Added: 07/02/2023
Midwifery CEU: 0.6
$85.00 USD
Midwifery, Translated Lectures

Óleos Essenciais para o Bem-estar Materno

Curso online Óleos Essenciais para o Bem-estar Materno (Essential Oils for Maternal Wellness Lecture Package) é um curso de formação online completo, desenvolvido para profissionais de parto inter...
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Módulo 1: Fundamentos
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Módulo 2: Aplicações e Dosagens
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Módulo 3: Segurança na Maternidade
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Módulo 4: Utilização na Gravidez
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Módulo 6: Utilização no Pós-parto
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Módulo 7: Utilização nos Cuidados com o Bebé
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Módulo 5: Utilização no Parto
Stephanie McBride, BA-Certified Clinical Herbalist, Certified Aromatherapist,Functional Nutritionist
Módulo 8: Matéria Aromática
Presentations: 9  |  Hours / CE Credits: 6 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 4 Weeks  |   Added: 07/02/2023
Midwifery CEU: 0.6
$95.00 USD
Lactation, GOLD Learning Symposium Series, Translated Lectures

GOLD Learning Tongue-Tie Online Symposium 2022 - Day 2 Advancing Our Understanding

Welcome to Day 2 Lecture Pack of the GOLD Learning Tongue-Tie Online Symposium 2022 for topics on Advancing Our Understanding! 5 expert speakers present a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals ...
Sarah Oakley, RN, IBCLC
COVID-19 and Implications for Tongue-Tie Division in Infants
Michelle Emanuel, OTR/L, IBCLC, CST, NBCR
Compensatory vs Novel Movements: 3 Keys for Babies With Tongue, Lip and Buccal Restrictions
Case Studies of Missed Tongue Ties and Subsequent Consequences
Beyond Breastfeeding: The Long Term Implications of Tongue-Tie in Our Adult Patients
Research Findings on the Short Lingual Frenulum and Reflux
Presentations: 5  |  Hours / CE Credits: 5 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 8 Weeks  |   Added: 16/05/2022
Dietetics CEU: 5
$95.00 USD
Lactation, GOLD Learning Symposium Series, Translated Lectures

GOLD Learning Tongue-Tie Online Symposium 2022 - Day 1 Fundamental Skills

Welcome to the Day 1 Lecture Pack of the GOLD Learning Tongue-Tie Online Symposium 2022 for topics on Fundamental Skills! 5 expert speakers present a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of pr...
Impact of Tethered Oral Tissues on the Fascial System
Camila Palma, DDS, MSc (Master in Pediatric Dentistry) & IBCLC
Ankyloglossia Differential Diagnosis: Tongue-Tie, Retrognathia or Hypotonia?
Frenectomy: The Importance of Anticipatory Guidance and Post Procedure Support
Christine Staricka, BS, IBCLC, RLC, CLSP, CE, FILCA
Tongue-Tied and Troubled: A Breastfeeding Journey at Risk
Tongue-tie Assessment Using the Lingual Frenulum Protocol for Infants
Presentations: 5  |  Hours / CE Credits: 5 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 8 Weeks  |   Added: 16/05/2022
Dietetics CEU: 5
$170.00 USD
Lactation, GOLD Learning Symposium Series, Translated Lectures

GOLD Learning Tongue-Tie Online Symposium 2022

The GOLD Learning Tongue-Tie Online Symposium 2022 offers an exciting look at the latest research, perspectives and best practice when working with infants with oral restrictions and their families...
Impact of Tethered Oral Tissues on the Fascial System
Camila Palma, DDS, MSc (Master in Pediatric Dentistry) & IBCLC
Ankyloglossia Differential Diagnosis: Tongue-Tie, Retrognathia or Hypotonia?
Frenectomy: The Importance of Anticipatory Guidance and Post Procedure Support
Christine Staricka, BS, IBCLC, RLC, CLSP, CE, FILCA
Tongue-Tied and Troubled: A Breastfeeding Journey at Risk
Sarah Oakley, RN, IBCLC
COVID-19 and Implications for Tongue-Tie Division in Infants
Michelle Emanuel, OTR/L, IBCLC, CST, NBCR
Compensatory vs Novel Movements: 3 Keys for Babies With Tongue, Lip and Buccal Restrictions
Case Studies of Missed Tongue Ties and Subsequent Consequences
Beyond Breastfeeding: The Long Term Implications of Tongue-Tie in Our Adult Patients
Research Findings on the Short Lingual Frenulum and Reflux
Tongue-tie Assessment Using the Lingual Frenulum Protocol for Infants
Presentations: 10  |  Hours / CE Credits: 10 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 8 Weeks  |   Added: 16/05/2022
CERP: 10
Dietetics CEU: 10
$265.00 USD
Lactation, Translated Lectures

GOLD Lactation Online Conference 2022

The GOLD Lactation Online Conference is the largest Annual Breastfeeding Conference in the world. Our conference for 2022 is packed full of fascinating topics such as rethinking the way we fit flange...
Melissa Cole, MS, IBCLC
Low Milk Production Detective Work: Assessment and Care Plan Considerations
Anya Kleinman, MD, IBCLC
Building Bridges: Early IBCLC Recognition and Triage of Common and Life-Threatening Newborn and Maternal Pathology
Andrew Dorough, DC, CACCP
Collaborative Care With a Chiropractor for Infant Feeding Dysfunction
Katherine Carroll, PhD, BPhysiotherapy, BA (Hons)
Providing Enhanced Lactation Care for Families Following Late Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Neonatal and Infant Death
Andini Pramono, IBCLC, MPH
What’s New With Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding: Updates and Its Cost/Benefit Implications
Ruth Patterson, RN, IBCLC
Strategies to Improve Infant Feeding Practices and Indicators in a Private/Corporate Maternity Set Up
Zainab Yate, BSc, MSc, Author
Research Ethics & Infant Feeding: How to Utilise the Four 'D's of a Brief Assessment
Megan Dunn, BS, IBCLC
Microbiome Support for the Breast/Chestfeeding Dyad
Gretchen Becker Crabb, MSE, LPC, OTR/L, CLC, IMH-E®
Vestibular Processing: Using the Sixth Sense to Support Lactation and Parent/Infant Relationships
Lactation After Bariatric Surgery: Physiological, Hormonal and Psychological Implications
Rebecca Costello, IBCLC, MPH
Leveling up Your Note Taking
Laurie-Anne Muldoon, MSW, RSW, BScN.
Supporting Parents Through Grief After the Loss of the Breast/Chestfeeding Relationship
Monica Esparza, CLC, Community Interpreter
Increasing Lactation Support Through Community Partnerships
Evelyne Ruf, MD, IBCLC
A Journey With COVID-19 Positive Mothers, Isolated Without Their Newborn
Indira López-Bassols, IBCLC, MSc, MPhil/PhD student
Assisted Nursing: Supporting Breastfeeding Infants With Craniofacial Anomalies
Kristin Cavuto, MSW, LCSW, IBCLC
Eating Disorders in the Perinatal Client: A Trauma Informed Model
Pitfalls in Infant Feeding Practices After Starting Solids
Working With Families Feeding Beyond 12 Months: Offering Support With Confidence
Kelsie Barta, MS, FNP-C, IBCLC
Ethical Considerations for Early Postpartum Lactation Support
Ensuring Collaborative Lactation Care for Optimal Outcomes
Rosann Edwards, RN, MScN, IBCLC, PhD
Supporting Older First-Time Mothers with Breastfeeding and Becoming a Mother: Insights for Clinical Practice
Julie Matheney, MS, CCC-SLP/IBCLC
Overcoming Challenges to Feeding: Supporting Parents with Physical, Mental or Socioemotional Differences - Part 1
Julie Matheney, MS, CCC-SLP/IBCLC
Overcoming Challenges to Feeding: Supporting Parents with Physical, Mental or Socioemotional Differences - Part 2
Stacy Davis, MPH, IBCLC
Guided Steps: Creating Plans of Lactation Care
Christine Staricka, BS, IBCLC, RLC, CLSP, CE, FILCA
Your Responsibility to the WHO Code: Evaluating Real-World Scenarios for Compliance
Stephanie Wagner, BSN, RN, CLE, IBCLC, RLC
The Critical Need for Inclusive Language and Inclusive Care for the LGBTQ+ Chestfeeding/Bodyfeeding Community
Environmental Contaminants in Human Milk
Jeanette Mesite Frem, MHS, IBCLC, RLC, CCE
Fitting Flanges for Pumping: Rethinking Sizes and Materials
Presentations: 29  |  Hours / CE Credits: 29.5 (details)  |   Viewing Time: 8 Weeks  |   Added: 05/07/2022
CERP: 29.5
L-CERP: 26.5
Dietetics CEU: 29.5
Midwifery CEU: 2.9