Care Plan Development for Weight Concerns in the Breastfed Infant: A Family Centred Approach
by Shel Banks, IBCLC
- Duration: 60 Mins
- Credits: 1 CERP, 1 L-CERP, 1 Nurse Contact Hours, 0.1 Midwifery CEU, 1 Dietetic CEU, 1 ACM CPD Hours, 1 ACNM
- Learning Format: Webinar
- Handout: No
When families are breastfeeding, all too often any concerns about weight gain quickly result in suggestions of formula supplementation; in this session we will look at ways to keep babies exclusively breastfed whilst protecting their health and their growth, promoting empowerment and satisfaction of the parents, and how to delicately and supportively advocate for the baby when exclusive breastfeeding may actually not be possible.Understanding how to develop effective and supportive evidence-based care plans for babies whose weight and/or growth is faltering, is absolutely key to the toolkit of those who are working with breastfeeding babies. Find out more in this presentation.
Learning Objectives:
1. Identify the evidence base around faltering growth
2. Name 3 elements of a collaborative care plan created with the family
3. Describe 3 critical times for following up with family regarding baby's progress and the care plan
4. Identify how to calculate a baby's supplementation needs using data procured during the consultation
2. Name 3 elements of a collaborative care plan created with the family
3. Describe 3 critical times for following up with family regarding baby's progress and the care plan
4. Identify how to calculate a baby's supplementation needs using data procured during the consultation
Breastfeeding Support, Family & Social Support, Lactation & Breastfeeding, Slow Weight Gain,
74 | Hours / CE Credits: 75
| Viewing Time: 52 Weeks
3 | Hours / CE Credits: 3
| Viewing Time: 6 Weeks
3 | Hours / CE Credits: 3
| Viewing Time: 4 Weeks