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Bringing the Midwifery Model of Care to Everything You Do: How to Infuse Your Practice With Compassion and Excellence When Using Pharmacologic Therapies

by Sarah Hinton, CPM, LM, BSM
  • Duration: 60 Mins
  • Credits:
  • Learning Format: Webinar
  • Handout: Yes

Midwives frequently consider pharmacologic therapy as separate, or least very different, from the other aspects of care we provide, but in this session, you will learn practical ways to bring the midwifery model of care to your use of pharmaceuticals in your practice. Including: How to deeply embed informed consent practices into your interactions with clients. Techniques for providing care that is gentle, holistic, and culturally appropriate. How to get more information when you need it. How to avoid making potentially deadly medication errors. How to appropriately store and organize your medications and reduce your on-call stress related to keeping your supplies and equipment fully stocked and in working order. You will walk away with so many resources and practical tools for bringing excellent and compassionate care to your clients as you see them though the many challenging situations you will face together.

Learning Objectives:

1. Apply the basic tenets of informed consent to client care in clinical and emergency settings. Identify appropriate level of informed consent for a given situation and implement communication methods that facilitate appropriate shared decision making with the client. Avoid behaviors that reduce the ability of clients to have quality decision making opportunities.

2. Identify and implement appropriate techniques that will reduce pain and ease the client’s experience with painful procedures. Provide appropriate comfort measures to clients.

3. Describe and implement basic safety checks to prevent administration mistakes - employ the six “rights” of drug administration to ensure appropriate administration takes place.

Categories: Homebirth